SGP40 VOC Gas sensor project

Hello, its been some time since last i was in here.
This time i want to share my latest work.
its a rpi3b with a gas sensor logging the level of volatile organic compunds in the air.
this project is to be installe in a local factory, however, you can use it at home to manage your hvac or what not.
added realtime display on top, and also the possibility for replay whatever it looked like in the data that is logged.
Enjoy :slight_smile:

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        "func": "var str = msg.payload;\nmsg.topic = \"INSERT INTO VOCDATA (voc) VALUES ('\" + str +\"')\";\nreturn msg;",
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        "func": "context.start = context.start || \"2000-01-01\"\ncontext.stop = context.stop || \"2099-01-01\"\ = || \"0\"\n\nif (msg.topic == \"start\")\n    context.start = msg.payload.slice(0,10) + \"T00:00:00.000Z\";\nif (msg.topic == \"stop\")\n    context.stop =  msg.payload.slice(0,10) + \"T23:59:59.999Z\";\nif (msg.topic == \"datasource\")\n =  msg.payload;    \n  \n\n\nvar sql = \"\";\nvar outputs = [];\n\n////, curdate(), DATE_FORMAT(TIMESTAMP,' %d/%m %H:%i') AS shortdate\n\n//sql = \"SELECT TIMESTAMP AS x, voc as y from VOCDATA WHERE  timestamp BETWEEN '\" + context.start + \"' AND '\"+context.stop+\"' group by timestamp desc\";\nsql = \"SELECT timestamp, voc from VOCDATA WHERE  timestamp BETWEEN '\" + context.start + \"' AND '\" + context.stop + \"' group by timestamp desc\";\n\noutputs.push({topic:sql});\n\nmsg.payload = [, context.start, context.stop]\n\nreturn [ outputs ];\n",
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