Sharing a single instance

@cinhcet, @dceejay,
Thanks but I thought using (node/flow/global) contexts wouldn't be a good solution in this case. Suppose I would do it like this:

var mitm = new Mitm();

Inside that constructor the whole interception stuff is being setup. So what happens if a Node-RED contextstore is storing and loading that instance? Therefore I thought it would be better to avoid using the context???

@TotallyInformation: Suppose I do it like this:

module.exports = function(RED) {
    var Mitm = require("mitm");
    var mitm = new Mitm();

    function HttpLoggerNode(config) {
        RED.nodes.createNode(this, config);



Do you mean that the "mitm" variable is only initialized once (i.e. constructor is only executed once), and available to all the HttpLoggerNode's in my flow?

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