Im looking for a simple daily timer with an on/off set daily but with dynamic override from a UI on the dashboard. For example, every day a light comes on at 8.00pm and goes off at 11.00pm but for a couple of days I need to change it to 7.00pm and off at 10.00pm and then return to original times. I would use the inject node but I cant pass variables with msg.payload. Is there a node for this?. Cheers...
Although there are numerous ways to do this, do you need to be able to change it from the dashboard or would the node-red editor also work ?
If the latter, you could use light scheduler to visually setup the schedule.
Does the timer interval stay the same or does it change too? Your example has a time on for three hours, does that change?
Hi, thank you for your reply. I need to be able to change the on/off times from my mobile so it must be changed from the nodered UI. Does light scheduler allow this ??. Kind regards...
Hi, Thank you for your reply. It can vary from 1 hour to 8 hours but I must be able to amend it on the fly from the nodered UI. Kind regards...
You could adapt this...
Hi, thanks for everyones help. eztimer was the solution for my project
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