Sneaky trick with Dashboard 2 CLASSIC Gauge node for needles

As I said, for example, send "hide-needle-1 hide-needle-2" will hide 1 and 2 and show the rest.


I have 5 needles.
Any combination of them can be active but for the sake of simplicity let's say all 5 are on.

ANY ONE of them can turn off at any time.
It won't be turning on again any time soon.

At some time in this session the others will also turn off at unknown/specified times.

I then want the needles to be turned off as they end their session.

So - to turn them off - I have to send compound messages to turn the totality of them off in one message.
They can't be turned off one at a time with individual messages.

Correct. Remember, all I have added to the node is the ability to set classes on the widget. Now you can do that you can use CSS to modify the appearance of anything in widget. All we are doing with hiding the needles is changing the CSS property visibility to hidden for elements that match the selector in the template. You could equally well change the needle colour or any other property for any element of the gauge.

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Ok, and I shall (again) fall on my sword.

So I am going to have to play with something like flow context so as each one turns off, it concatenates the message sent to add the newest one to the existing list.

I can't blame you for that. It is just I am not parsing things correctly.
Local problem. Seems a recent build has given me problems with parsing things.

I'll see if I can get it working as needed.

This kind of still confuses me though how to get the needles working again once they are all complete.

So the question presents itself:

They are all given the value 0.
If they get that they are turned off.
Once all 5 are off, all is good.

Next cycle:
Do I need to turn them back ON after they are all turned off or, when the first new data set is received in this new cycle?

As in the example flow, send an empty string to turn them all on.

Sorry, I have no idea what you mean. Are you asking about your flow or the gauge operation? I haven't got time to look at your flow.

Don't worry.

It's my ignorance.

I'll work on it.

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