Splitting arrays from an accelerometer into small records for Influxdb

Hi, I am trying to convert the MQTT msg below into separate records for the ingest InfluxDB node:


This sensor data arrives every second from an accelerometer that buffers 32 samples per second for all 3 axis (x, y and z). It registers the timestamp device_t when it grabs the last of those samples, then sends the mqtt msg.

In order to plot these msgs out in grafana, I need to have individual records of each 1/32s containing 3 axis values.

Therefore I need 32 records written to the influxdb node each sec, eg (device_id, x1, y1, z1, time1), (device_id, x2, y2, z2, time2)...(device_id, x32, y32, z32, time32), etc, where time1 is the device time second (device_t) / 32.

I hope this makes sense so far!. I am having issues creating a node that can split the msg into these individual msgs with their corresponding times... Any help or pointers would really help me out! thanks.

I can get the individual msgs from this function node by iterating over the array:

var deviceid = msg.payload.device_id;
var timestamp = msg.payload.device_t;

for (var i = 0; i < msg.payload.x.length; i++) {
    var newMsg = {};
    var accelx = msg.payload.x[i];
    var accely = msg.payload.y[i];
    var accelz = msg.payload.z[i];
    newMsg.payload = { d: deviceid, t: timestamp, x: accelx, y: accely, z: accelz };
return null;

but I still need to add the correct timestamp to each msg which takes away the last second and divides it by increments of 1/32...

ok this is my best effort, which spits out something that looks ok, but pls let me know if my maths works out..

var timestamp = msg.payload.device_t;

for (var i = 0; i < msg.payload.x.length; i++) {
    var newMsg = {};
    var accelx = msg.payload.x[i];
    var accely = msg.payload.y[i];
    var accelz = msg.payload.z[i];
    var time = timestamp - 1000 + (i/32 * 1000);
    newMsg.payload = { d: deviceid, t: time, x: accelx, y: accely, z: accelz };
return null;

all done. i got there in the end.
Peek 2023-04-05 00-55

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