Standalone visual comparison of flows - in browser

Thanks Steve, it's been fun work using Node-RED for doing this.

Can you point me in the direction of an example NPM package that does what you describe? I'm don't have many NPM experiences and I certainly don't know the best practices when it comes to creating packages.

That's just GitHub - GitHub - gorenje/ image content and discussions for - that was my GitHub flow, i.e. the reason I built it - so that I could get a cdn for free! :wink:

IDs would become additions/deletions, props are compared and become changed node i.e. purple in colour. I use the same comparison code that Node-RED uses with some extensions though.

Edit: Apropo prop change, this example is one -- click on the purple node "Git commit - Press Here" and you'll see a prop change.

(ignore the don't press here notice)

Prop comparison is done because of this else it was always [object Object].

Edit2: for those interested in the codebase, it's once again a Node-RED flow.

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