Start node-red on boot on osx pm2

I run all the steps that are written to auto boot NR on osx
But i cannot get it to work...
Is there another way to start node red on boot on osx?

I think it has to do with the command i have to do below.
Checking the web only gives me a lot of older not solving posts
sudo env PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin /usr/local/lib/node_modules/pm2/bin/pm2 startup launchd -u swat --hp /Users/swat
ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/Users/swat/Library/LaunchAgents/pm2.swat.plist'


take a look at this post:

I tried that one also but i cannot get it working
start command not found is what i get :frowning:

Can you show me what the result is if you go to terminal and enter which forever
Then show me what you had entered in the automator script.

did you try simply typing pm2 startup and then copy/pasting what pm2 proposes you ?
If that fails try
mkdir /Users/swat/Library/LaunchAgents before running pm2 startup

did something but not working

returns nothing in terminal