Stop Collapsing the Context Viewer when refreshing?


NR 4.05 - although this is an ongoing behaviour - is there anyway we could get an option to stop the Context Variable view from Collapsing on a refresh - and potentially have an option to auto refresh as well

I have a lot of data in Global Context (trying to break down flows into functional elements as much as possible) - and often will have Objects within Objects within Arrays etc - when performing a refresh it is necessary to go back and drill all the way down to open again

It would be great if there was some form of autorefresh button to use when debugging and more importantly to stop the pain collapsing when a manual refresh is performed ?

I see this has been asked for a number of times before and each time has been auto closed due to expiration - is there a fundamental reason why this can not be done ?




The tree state being lost on refresh is definitely not ideal & an annoyance for sure. I`d certainly not be opposed to an improvement here.

In theory, this is certainly doable but how tricky it is depends on the underlying capabilities of the widget used to render the tree.

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Thanks for the answer Steve.

I will leave it in your camp to provide feedback as appropriate as to the difficulty of this (depending on the flexibility of the underlying libraries/widget)



Is it also possible to put few of the objects of interest in a 'watch window' instead of looking at entire context panel?
Currently i achieve this by putting a debug node and enabling status. But it has its limitations


Excellent thank you

