Store messages in files and load them again

In case anybody is wondering why on earth storing messages in files could be useful:
Well I'm currently developing streaming audio in the dashboard for another discussion.

I have now arrived at the point that it seems to be working fine with my own raspberry and usb microphone. However when @GChapo uses my dashboard fix to test with his raspberry and microphone, the sound is very bad. I have no clue what is going on over there, so I need to have access to his audio stream on my own Raspberry (to be able to debug it).

So I'm trying to use the node-red-contrib-sequencer nodes to copy his audio stream:

  • Glenn would record all his audio related messages during e.g. 10 seconds, and store those messages (inclusive timestamps) into one big file.
  • Glenn delivers me that file manually via Dropbox.
  • I replay all the messages from that file, with the same delays in between (based on the timestamps) in my dashboard. So all audio samples (hopefully) arrive at the same sample rate in my own dashboard.

This way I hope to be able to have an exact copy of Glenn's audio stream available at my own Raspberry, so I could debug the dashboard to see what is going wrong ...