I tried to use structuredClone() for deep-copy of objects within Function nodes, but get a runtime error:
Does anyone have a clue? This method works well in my developed custom nodes and seems cleaner than the JSON stringify/parse conversion. (Object.assign() and {...obj} spread are not relevant here since they only do a shallow copy)
Indeed, this has been released on Node JS 17.
I understand that Node-red framework tries to be backwards compatible for users with older Node-JS versions, but since I am able use it in my custom nodes, does it mean that the Function nodes run in some type of "compatibility sandbox"?
This isn't about backward compatibility; the Function node runs code inside a Sandbox that limits what globals are available. For example, you cannot use require amongst other things.
If node.js introduces a new global, we have to explicitly add it to the sandbox environment (if appropriate to do so). But that needs someone to raise the requirement to do so.