I must be missing something obvious here. I've dumbed my problem down to a simple function node containing the following:
const values = [
{ name: "a", size: 1 },
{ name: "b", size: 4 },
{ name: "c", size: 2 }
const sorted = values.sort((x, y) => y.size > x.size);
msg.payload = sorted;
return msg;
When I run it, the payload is unsorted. I'm expecting to get 'b' first, because it has the largest size However if I run the same code on an online JS compiler, it works as expected. If I change the sort to log what it's doing, I get the expected values:
const sorted = values.sort((x, y) => {
var result = y.size > x.size;
node.warn(y.name+ " "+y.size+" "+x.size+" "+result);
return result;
This gives me:
a 1 4 false
b 4 2 true