Subflow context problems. Losing their values while active

(Machine rebooting just now)

I got onto subflows after being haunted by having the same bit of code in multiple places for multiple machines and when I had to fix one, I had to fix a lot.

So I made a subflow of it. All was good in the world.

The (sub)flow gets messages and in the message is a packet which tells it who this machine is for.

Ok, I don't think it is really needed at the subflow level to discriminate as each iteration is its own world - yes?

But all the same:
If the subflow gets a message (used more as a trigger at this point) and the context is checked.
If the context is not set, it throws an error.

All well and good. But then what?

The error is captured and if it is THAT error, it is sent to a node which generates a signal to inject all the subflow nodes with their names.

Therefore subsequent messages should work.

And usually it/they do.

The machine is a RasPi Model B Rev 2. It has fewer GPIO pins than the normal ones now and only 2 USB ports, and takes the normal SD card. Not the mini/micro ones of nowadays.

It is OLD!

AFAIK the context is memory - which is slightly problematic - but it is NOT using the SD/Filesystem. Less writes to the card.

Recently - and getting rather frequent - I am seeing this part of the code executed.

It is running happily (well....) and suddenly ONE (or maybe a couple) of the nodes spit their dummies.

Why would this be happening?

Is the machine's memory about to die?


Ok, this gremlin has stuck his/its head up again.

I don't know if it is power supply related or not, so I shall keep it here rather than in the one about machine reboots.

So the John Dory (Story):

This is a RasPi 2 (Early version). The oldest one I have.
Until today it was NOT using an official power supply, but has been working on and off fairly well for years.

It also has swap memory active. 1024 is the value. (Meg/k/who knows)

I have subflows and they have become more popular through the years as I appreciate how they worked. Rather than having to edit x versions of the code for x instances of where it is used: I edit the subflow and it is rolled out to all. Easy.


Ok, as they are subflows they need to have their initial values set for context purposes.
I'll call it context, but it is a subflow, so I am not sure what the exact term is.

If it isn't set, there is an error created.
I catch that error, and though a bit rough handed in how it is done, the value is then set.
Though it is set at boot anyway. Sorry, that was explained back to front.
But it doesn't change what is happening.

All is good with the world and things are working.

(Dramatic music)
One, two or more nodes spit their dummy and say they aren't configured.


Yeah, ok: bad memory... Short of getting a whole new machine and trying it.... I don't know of an alternative.

But I'm asking for other possibilities for the cause.

It isn't only that subflow doing it.
I have other subflows and they are - now and then - sending erroneous outputs indicative that things are not set in them.


It could possibly be a coding issue - almost impossible to tell without seeing the subflow and what messages go into them.

You could, for example, use something like flogger to log the FULL msg (as JSON) going in the the subflow instance THEN when you catch this error (catch node/status node/whatever), make an entry in the same flogger log - something you can easily find like "POSSIBLE MEMORY FAULT.

Once you have the data (in your log) that (potentially) causes the problem, you can copy it and inject that as many times as you need to to determine if the msg caused this context problem or if it is indeed some random memory issue.

This is the subflow

[{"id":"65d097c2.63a148","type":"subflow","name":"Button colour","info":"","category":"","in":[{"x":40,"y":80,"wires":[{"id":"b82d4d5a.5931d8"}]}],"out":[{"x":440,"y":60,"wires":[{"id":"b82d4d5a.5931d8","port":0}]},{"x":440,"y":110,"wires":[{"id":"b82d4d5a.5931d8","port":1}]},{"x":440,"y":160,"wires":[{"id":"b82d4d5a.5931d8","port":2}]}],"env":[],"color":"#DDAA99","outputLabels":["","","","Error detected"],"icon":"node-red-dashboard/ui_button.png","status":{"x":440,"y":210,"wires":[{"id":"bcf40ba9.50171","port":0}]}},{"id":"b82d4d5a.5931d8","type":"function","z":"65d097c2.63a148","name":"Button Colour 2020 12 24","func":"//  2020 12 24\n//  Added code to try and negate \"node config not set\" getting through.   Line 96 and on.\n//\n//  2019 10 1 16:40\n//\tButton_Press_scanner14b\n// \n//  Added a line when configuring node with\n//  `SET_Device_ID`\n//\n//  CHECK AROUND line 59 is commented out.\n//  Should NOT be setting 'online'\n//\n//  Removed check if error is active if receiving ICSS == 5.\n//  Makes it easier to clear false alarms.\n//  \n//\n//\tWritten now for SUBFLOW use.\n//\tMUST have name injected to node with message.topic = \"SET_Device_ID\" and payload of devicename.\n//\n//  Sends ERROR and ERROR_ACK messages to set icon if error happens.\n//  Holds colour of buttons to RED until ERROR_ACK button pressed.\n//\n//  Node variables.\n//  Name of machine this button set applies.\n//  Tags needed:\n//\tmsg.device_ID (name of device)\n//\tmsg.state     (state)\n//\tmsg.background (if machine state active)\n\nvar device = context.get('device')||0;\n\n// new\n//  This locks the button colours if an alarm is received.\nvar block_change = context.get(\"BLOCK_CHANGE\") ||0;\n\nif (msg.topic == \"SET_Device_ID\")\n{\n    node.warn(\"Setting node name\");\n    node.warn(msg.payload);\n    context.set('device',msg.payload);\n}\n\n\n\n\n\nvar msg2;\nvar msg3;\n//  Check if debug is enabled.\nvar debug = flow.get(device+'_Button_Debug') || false;\n//node.warn(\"Debug set to \" + debug);\n\n//  Background colour for button.  Colour for OFF-LINE device status.\nvar backgroundcolour = context.get('background') || \"brown\";\n\n//  State   This sets what is happening.  See below.\nvar previous_state = context.get('state') || 0;\n//  State.\nvar ICSS = msg.state || 0;\n//node.warn(\"Message state is \" + ICSS);\n\n//\tUsed to signal machine shutting down.\nvar shutdown = context.get('shutdown') || 0;\n\n//  If machine is online or offline.\nvar online = context.get('online') || \"Off-line\";  // status of machine.\n\n//      Code for testing node.\n//online = \"On-line\";   //  Temporary line of code.\n\n//node.warn(\"online state is \" + online);\n\n//  I/C message variables.\nvar ICDID = msg.device_ID || 0;\n//var ICDID = payload.DEVICE;\n//node.warn(\"Device ID is \" + ICDID);\n\n//  Set up stuff here.\n//  This may no longer be needed.   Left in as precuation.\nif (ICDID == \"ALL\")\n{\n    ICDID = device;\n    if (debug === true)\n    {\n        node.warn(\"**  Reset button colours **\");\n        node.warn(msg.background);\n    }\n    previous_state = 4;\n    backgroundcolour = msg.background;\n    context.set(\"BLOCK_CHANGE\",0);\n    block_change = 0;\n}\n\nif (ICDID != device)\n{\n    //  2020 12 24 small addition here.\n    error_counter = context.get(\"error_counter\") || 0;\n    error_counter = error_counter + 1;\n    context.set(\"error_counter\",error_counter);\n    if (error_counter > 1)\n    {\n        node.warn(\"Node Configuration not set\");\n        node.error(\"Node Configuration not set\", msg)\n        //  fa-eye-slash\n        return;\n    }\n}\n\n//  Main body here.\n//  Check device name.\nif (ICDID == device)\n{\n    context.set(\"error_counter\",0);     //2020 12 24\n  if (debug === true)\n  {\n      node.warn(\"*******************\");\n      node.warn(\"** DEVICES MATCH **\");\n      node.warn(\"Existing state is \" + previous_state);\n      node.warn(\"Incoming state is \" + ICSS);\n      node.warn(\"Line state is \" + online);\n      node.warn(\"Shutdown is \" + shutdown);\n      node.warn(\"Back ground colour is \" + backgroundcolour);\n      node.warn(\"*******************\");\n  }\n\n  //  Check function name.\n\n  //  Check things have changed.\n  if (previous_state !== ICSS)\n  {\n    //  And they have.\n    //  List of states:\n    //  0 - normal or command received and ok.\n    //  1 - command sent.\n    //  2 - command received.\n    //  3 - command error.\n    //  4 - device status changed.\n    //  5 - clear existing alarm.   (Work needed)\n    //  6 - Shutdown command received.\n    \n    //node.warn(\"Miss match detected\");\n    \n    //  Check if ERROR is active.\n    if (ICSS == 5)\n    {\n        //\n//        if (previous_state == 3)\n//        {\n            //  CLEAR ALARM button pressed.\n            context.set(\"BLOCK_CHANGE\",0);\n            block_change = 0;\n            previous_state = 0;\n            //\n            //node.warn(\"Alarm clear signal received\");\n            node.status({fill:\"green\",shape:\"dot\",text:\"0\"});\n            //   This line was background:msg.background but failed.\n            //   Changed to what it is now and all ok.\n            msg2 = {payload:\"\", background:\"lime\"};\n            msg3 = {payload:\"ERROR_ACK\",background:\"lime\"};\n            msg = null;\n            return [msg,msg2,msg3];\n\n//        }\n    }\n    \n    if (block_change == 1)\n    {\n        //\n        //  Don't allow any changes unless it is the \"clear\" signal.\n        //\n        return;\n    }\n\n    context.set('previous_state', ICSS);  //  save new state.\n//    previous_state = ICSS;               //      NEW PART     2019 12 24  Alamrs not clearing\n    //  Check if state is 0.\n    if (ICSS === 0)\n    {\n      if(previous_state != 3)\n      {\n        //\t\tButton ready to be pressed.\n        node.warn(\"Command completed ok\");\n        node.status({fill:\"green\",shape:\"dot\",text:\"0\"});\n        msg2 = { payload:\"\", background:msg.background};\n        msg3 = {payload:\"ERROR_ACK\",background:\"lime\"};\n        msg = null;\n        return [msg,msg2,msg3];\n      }\n    } else\n    if (ICSS == 1)\n    {\n        //\t\tButton is pressed.  Command SENT.\n        //  Need to check here if context 'online' is correct to allow button press.\n        node.warn(\"Button press phase 1\");\n        if (online == \"On-line\")\n        {\n            node.status({fill:\"grey\",shape:\"dot\",text:\"1\"});\n            msg2 = { payload:\"\", background:\"grey\"};\n            if (debug === true)\n            {\n                node.warn(\"Button press detected\");\n                node.warn(\"original message payload is \" + msg);\n            }\n        }\n        return [msg,msg2];\n    } else\n    if (ICSS == 2)\n    {\n        //\t\tCommand RECEIVED.\n        node.status({fill:\"black\",shape:\"dot\",text:\"2\"});\n        msg2 = { payload:\"\", background:\"black\"};\n        msg = null;\n        return [msg,msg2];\n    } else\n    if (ICSS == 3)\n    {\n        //\t\tCommand ERROR.\n        node.status({fill:\"red\",shape:\"dot\",text:\"3\"});\n        msg2 = { payload:\"\", background:\"red\"};\n        msg = null;\n        context.set(\"BLOCK_CHANGE\",1);\n        context.set('state',3);\n        //\n        //  Third message to send to set icon\n        //   md-error\n        msg3 = {payload:\"ERROR\"};\n        return [msg,msg2,msg3];\n    } else\n    if (ICSS == 4)   //////////   MACHINE STATE CHANGED  //////////////////\n    {\n        if(previous_state != 3)\n        {\n            if (debug === true)\n            {\n                //\t\tUpdate button colour.\n                node.warn(\"@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\");\n                node.warn(device);\n                node.warn(\"Payload = \" + msg.payload);\n                node.warn(\"Background colour -- \" + msg.background);\n                node.warn(\"State changed\");\n            }\n            context.set('background',msg.background);\n            //              Indicate node changed.\n            node.status({fill:\"yellow\",shape:\"dot\",text:\"4\"});\n            msg2 = { payload:\"\", background:msg.background};\n            context.set('state', 0);\n            \n            //  Set online status.\n            if (msg.background == \"lime\")\n            {\n                //\n                if (shutdown == 0)\n                {\n                    //node.warn(\"Online routine\");\n                    context.set('online',\"On-line\");\n                    //backgroundcolour = \"lime\";\n                    backgroundcolour = msg.background;\n                }\n            } else\n            //if (msg.background == \"brown\")\n            {\n                //\n                //node.warn(\"Offline routine\");\n                context.set('online',\"Off-line\");\n                context.set('shutdown',0);\n                //backgroundcolour = \"brown\";\n                backgroundcolour = msg.background;\n            }\n        }\n        msg = null;\n        return [msg,msg2];\n    } else\n    if (ICSS == 6)\n    {\n        //\n        context.set('shutdown',1);\n\tnode.warn(\"********* Shutdown set to 1 *************\");\n        context.set('online',\"Off-line\");\n        msg2 = { payload:\"\", background:\"brown\"};\n//        backgroundcolour = msg.background;\t\t//\tDunno what this line is supposed to do.\n        msg = null;\t\t\t//\t2018-10-06  Added these two lines to fix problem of buttons not changing from BLACK.\n        return [msg,msg2];\n\n    }\n  }\n}\n","outputs":3,"noerr":0,"initialize":"","finalize":"","x":233,"y":80,"wires":[[],[],[]]},{"id":"bcf40ba9.50171","type":"status","z":"65d097c2.63a148","name":"","scope":null,"x":200,"y":210,"wires":[[]]},{"id":"feb4d263.02fe58","type":"subflow:65d097c2.63a148","z":"381d953d.4cf092","x":280,"y":1240,"wires":[["867e0921.94d2a8"],["9588db20.26f1b8","9100c526.4451","e1b743f8.1c4dd","82103f30.02acc8","13c988e.0e33277","4356c4f2.db883c","6a78ce63.dc5c58","341fb28e.a12546"],["a03446cc.d6fe78"]]}]

This is an example of a configuration message.


So the setup output is connected to the input of the subflow and done once at boot.

and this is what I get as the error message if it isn't set/configured.

{"message":"Node Configuration not set","source":{"id":"8cfa47e9.bade68","type":"function","name":"Button Colour 2020 12 24","count":1}} ERROR_REPORT/TimePi/ERROR_REPORT/TimePi/M C

Yeah, ok, not the complete message. Dunno why I can't copy/paste all the message easily from the GUI part.
But it shows you how the message is given to me and I am sure you will see where/how the message is made in the subflow

Ok, going a bit further:
Subflow function node line 96 -->

    //  2020 12 24 small addition here.
    error_counter = context.get("error_counter") || 0;
    error_counter = error_counter + 1;
    if (error_counter > 1)
        node.warn("Node Configuration not set");
        node.error("Node Configuration not set", msg)
        //  fa-eye-slash

Ok, what's happening:
If it gets a first error with the config not set, it lets it slide.

If it happens twice in a row - other code resets "error_counter" back to 0 if good.
So if it gets the error twice in a row, it throws up the error with the text "Node Configuration not set".

When the error catching part of the flow if it sees this, it sends a signal to set the values - basically what should/did happen at boot.

Therefore clearing the context not being set.

All incoming messages otherwise have the correct things set in them as the code sets them.

So - unless foreign messages get into the system - that side of things should be ok.

Maybe I could add extra code to show me the message which was sent into the node which caused the error/mismatch.

I strongly suspect there is nothing wrong with your memory - but in fact a msg with device_ID is arriving that doesnt equal context.device

As I said in previous message...

I think I have looked at flogger and .... oh. It's got better or it was another node which was poorly written / documented.

I'll sit down and try.

But it only happens infrequently it is going to be fun working out how to do that.

Pretty easy really...

Add a 4th output to your function and send the original msg out of it when this "error" occurs...

Then hook up the 4th output to a flogger node

This is the log output (as you can see in the log entry I had deliberately left out msg.device_ID and this caused the "configuration error" to occur - and we catured the "bad" msg - we can now copy that msg and inject it into the subflow at will - for testing purposes)

2021/06/21 11:15:20 ERROR [msg] {"_msgid":"cc0f917021906861","payload":1624270516329,"topic":"","_debug":"Node Configuration not set"}

To be even more descriptive in your log, add more properties to the msg


msg._debug_ICDID = ICDID;
msg._debug_context_device = device;
//etc, etc, etc
return [null, null, null, msg];

... and you will see them in the log - helping you to determine the cause / find the problem

Ok, I am kind of getting what you mean, but.....!!!!!

flogger is in the subflow.

How do I give it a unique file name?

Or all all the subflows going to write to the one log file?

I guess not the end of the world.

Yes if the flogger is in the subflow

No if you set output 4 to another subflow output & put the flogger node on the outside of the subflow.



I'll have to sit down an think about how to do it.

I may make it an extra output of the subflow and have unique file names set.

I'm not getting the node and how to configure it.

In the first window there is a field for Logfile which is marked as Name of the log file.

But further down there is Log config. Add new config-log

Clicking on the Edit (Pencil) icon I get:

Config name - getting confused.
Log dir - ok, so where does this fit in the scheme of things?

So the logfile is only the NAME of the log file. NO PATH
That is set here?

But what about the name?
Is it the config name or is it defined as the Log file?

Just do this...

The flogger config node

The flogger node

That you put the two screen shots back to front threw me big time.

But moving past that: Na. Still confused.

I want to log (for now) 4 machines. (Or more correctly: MORE THAN ONE)

Leaving log config blank doesn't work.
It puts in weird names.

Then on the (really) second page at the top with Config name.... Beats me. I leave it blank, and it only furthers the confusion.

The path for all is the same - given.
I want to write specific file names for the devices, which is what I use as the file name.

But all nodes have a red triangle on them.

To try and help you this is how I have the node set now:

[{"id":"968babd4.413468","type":"flogger","z":"381d953d.4cf092","name":"MusicPi","logfile":"musicpi.db","inputchoice":"fullmsg","inputobject":"payload","inputobjectType":"msg","inputmoustache":"Recieved payload {{payload}} and topic {{topic}}","loglevel":"INFO","logconfig":"","sendpane":"","x":310,"y":1970,"wires":[[]]}]

I want (this one is not needed but as it is beside another one I did it for the sake of...)


All logs at/in

(I think I got it worked out)

The config is no different to MQTT or dashboard nodes with a config. You add a config then select it!

You simply hadnt chosen the config.


After choosing your config, its totally fine...

To clarify...

  1. FLOGGER NODE: Select add new config & click the pencil
    • set the log dir path (this is where log files will be created)
    • Give a name e.g. MY_LOGS
    • Select the newly created config called "MY_LOGS"
    • enter a file name e.g. "LOG1.log"

Ok, this is the subflow code:

(Well, the function node in the subflow which is all that is in it anyway.)

//  2021 06 21
//  Added extra line/s to send incoming message to another ouput
//  when mis-match happens.

//  2020 12 24
//  Added code to try and negate "node config not set" getting through.   Line 96 and on.
//  2019 10 1 16:40
//	Button_Press_scanner14b
//  Added a line when configuring node with
//  `SET_Device_ID`
//  CHECK AROUND line 59 is commented out.
//  Should NOT be setting 'online'
//  Removed check if error is active if receiving ICSS == 5.
//  Makes it easier to clear false alarms.
//	Written now for SUBFLOW use.
//	MUST have name injected to node with message.topic = "SET_Device_ID" and payload of devicename.
//  Sends ERROR and ERROR_ACK messages to set icon if error happens.
//  Holds colour of buttons to RED until ERROR_ACK button pressed.
//  Node variables.
//  Name of machine this button set applies.
//  Tags needed:
//	msg.device_ID (name of device)
//	msg.state     (state)
//	msg.background (if machine state active)

var device = context.get('device')||0;

// new
//  This locks the button colours if an alarm is received.
var block_change = context.get("BLOCK_CHANGE") ||0;

if (msg.topic == "SET_Device_ID")
    node.warn("Setting node name");

var msg2;
var msg3;
//  Check if debug is enabled.
var debug = flow.get(device+'_Button_Debug') || false;
//node.warn("Debug set to " + debug);

//  Background colour for button.  Colour for OFF-LINE device status.
var backgroundcolour = context.get('background') || "brown";

//  State   This sets what is happening.  See below.
var previous_state = context.get('state') || 0;
//  State.
var ICSS = msg.state || 0;
//node.warn("Message state is " + ICSS);

//	Used to signal machine shutting down.
var shutdown = context.get('shutdown') || 0;

//  If machine is online or offline.
var online = context.get('online') || "Off-line";  // status of machine.

//      Code for testing node.
//online = "On-line";   //  Temporary line of code.

//node.warn("online state is " + online);

//  I/C message variables.
var ICDID = msg.device_ID || 0;
//var ICDID = payload.DEVICE;
//node.warn("Device ID is " + ICDID);

//  Set up stuff here.
//  This may no longer be needed.   Left in as precuation.
if (ICDID == "ALL")
    ICDID = device;
    if (debug === true)
        node.warn("**  Reset button colours **");
    previous_state = 4;
    backgroundcolour = msg.background;
    block_change = 0;

if (ICDID != device)
    //  2020 12 24 small addition here.
    error_counter = context.get("error_counter") || 0;
    error_counter = error_counter + 1;
    if (error_counter > 1)
        node.warn("Node Configuration not set");
        node.error("Node Configuration not set", msg)
        //  fa-eye-slash
        return [null,null,null,msg];

//  Main body here.
//  Check device name.
if (ICDID == device)
    context.set("error_counter",0);     //2020 12 24
  if (debug === true)
      node.warn("** DEVICES MATCH **");
      node.warn("Existing state is " + previous_state);
      node.warn("Incoming state is " + ICSS);
      node.warn("Line state is " + online);
      node.warn("Shutdown is " + shutdown);
      node.warn("Back ground colour is " + backgroundcolour);

  //  Check function name.

  //  Check things have changed.
  if (previous_state !== ICSS)
    //  And they have.
    //  List of states:
    //  0 - normal or command received and ok.
    //  1 - command sent.
    //  2 - command received.
    //  3 - command error.
    //  4 - device status changed.
    //  5 - clear existing alarm.   (Work needed)
    //  6 - Shutdown command received.
    //node.warn("Miss match detected");
    //  Check if ERROR is active.
    if (ICSS == 5)
//        if (previous_state == 3)
//        {
            //  CLEAR ALARM button pressed.
            block_change = 0;
            previous_state = 0;
            //node.warn("Alarm clear signal received");
            //   This line was background:msg.background but failed.
            //   Changed to what it is now and all ok.
            msg2 = {payload:"", background:"lime"};
            msg3 = {payload:"ERROR_ACK",background:"lime"};
            msg = null;
            return [msg,msg2,msg3,null];

//        }
    if (block_change == 1)
        //  Don't allow any changes unless it is the "clear" signal.

    context.set('previous_state', ICSS);  //  save new state.
//    previous_state = ICSS;               //      NEW PART     2019 12 24  Alamrs not clearing
    //  Check if state is 0.
    if (ICSS === 0)
      if(previous_state != 3)
        //		Button ready to be pressed.
        node.warn("Command completed ok");
        msg2 = { payload:"", background:msg.background};
        msg3 = {payload:"ERROR_ACK",background:"lime"};
        msg = null;
        return [msg,msg2,msg3,null];
    } else
    if (ICSS == 1)
        //		Button is pressed.  Command SENT.
        //  Need to check here if context 'online' is correct to allow button press.
        node.warn("Button press phase 1");
        if (online == "On-line")
            msg2 = { payload:"", background:"grey"};
            if (debug === true)
                node.warn("Button press detected");
                node.warn("original message payload is " + msg);
        return [msg,msg2];
    } else
    if (ICSS == 2)
        //		Command RECEIVED.
        msg2 = { payload:"", background:"black"};
        msg = null;
        return [msg,msg2];
    } else
    if (ICSS == 3)
        //		Command ERROR.
        msg2 = { payload:"", background:"red"};
        msg = null;
        //  Third message to send to set icon
        //   md-error
        msg3 = {payload:"ERROR"};
        return [msg,msg2,msg3];
    } else
    if (ICSS == 4)   //////////   MACHINE STATE CHANGED  //////////////////
        if(previous_state != 3)
            if (debug === true)
                //		Update button colour.
                node.warn("Payload = " + msg.payload);
                node.warn("Background colour -- " + msg.background);
                node.warn("State changed");
            //              Indicate node changed.
            msg2 = { payload:"", background:msg.background};
            context.set('state', 0);
            //  Set online status.
            if (msg.background == "lime")
                if (shutdown == 0)
                    //node.warn("Online routine");
                    //backgroundcolour = "lime";
                    backgroundcolour = msg.background;
            } else
            //if (msg.background == "brown")
                //node.warn("Offline routine");
                //backgroundcolour = "brown";
                backgroundcolour = msg.background;
        //  2021 06 21
        //msg = null;
        //return [msg,msg2];
        return [null,msg2];
    } else
    if (ICSS == 6)
	node.warn("********* Shutdown set to 1 *************");
        msg2 = { payload:"", background:"brown"};
//        backgroundcolour = msg.background;		//	Dunno what this line is supposed to do.

        //msg = null;			//	2018-10-06  Added these two lines to fix problem of buttons not changing from BLACK.
        //return [msg,msg2];
        //  2021 06 21
        return [null,msg2];


4 outputs.

Last one is (I hope) the original message sent in that causes/d the error.

I have tweaked the flow for better error handling - kinda.
(Don't ask)

Sorry it is spread out but that's how it is in the flow.

[{"id":"65d097c2.63a148","type":"subflow","name":"Button colour","info":"","category":"","in":[{"x":40,"y":80,"wires":[{"id":"b82d4d5a.5931d8"}]}],"out":[{"x":440,"y":60,"wires":[{"id":"b82d4d5a.5931d8","port":0}]},{"x":440,"y":110,"wires":[{"id":"b82d4d5a.5931d8","port":1}]},{"x":440,"y":160,"wires":[{"id":"b82d4d5a.5931d8","port":2}]},{"x":440,"y":210,"wires":[{"id":"b82d4d5a.5931d8","port":3}]}],"env":[],"color":"#DDAA99","outputLabels":["","background colour","text","Original message if mismatch"],"icon":"node-red-dashboard/ui_button.png","status":{"x":440,"y":270,"wires":[{"id":"bcf40ba9.50171","port":0}]}},{"id":"b82d4d5a.5931d8","type":"function","z":"65d097c2.63a148","name":"Button Colour 2020 12 24","func":"//  2021 06 21\n//  Added extra line/s to send incoming message to another ouput\n//  when mis-match happens.\n\n//  2020 12 24\n//  Added code to try and negate \"node config not set\" getting through.   Line 96 and on.\n//\n//  2019 10 1 16:40\n//\tButton_Press_scanner14b\n// \n//  Added a line when configuring node with\n//  `SET_Device_ID`\n//\n//  CHECK AROUND line 59 is commented out.\n//  Should NOT be setting 'online'\n//\n//  Removed check if error is active if receiving ICSS == 5.\n//  Makes it easier to clear false alarms.\n//  \n//\n//\tWritten now for SUBFLOW use.\n//\tMUST have name injected to node with message.topic = \"SET_Device_ID\" and payload of devicename.\n//\n//  Sends ERROR and ERROR_ACK messages to set icon if error happens.\n//  Holds colour of buttons to RED until ERROR_ACK button pressed.\n//\n//  Node variables.\n//  Name of machine this button set applies.\n//  Tags needed:\n//\tmsg.device_ID (name of device)\n//\tmsg.state     (state)\n//\tmsg.background (if machine state active)\n\nvar device = context.get('device')||0;\n\n// new\n//  This locks the button colours if an alarm is received.\nvar block_change = context.get(\"BLOCK_CHANGE\") ||0;\n\nif (msg.topic == \"SET_Device_ID\")\n{\n    node.warn(\"Setting node name\");\n    node.warn(msg.payload);\n    context.set('device',msg.payload);\n}\n\n\nvar msg2;\nvar msg3;\n//  Check if debug is enabled.\nvar debug = flow.get(device+'_Button_Debug') || false;\n//node.warn(\"Debug set to \" + debug);\n\n//  Background colour for button.  Colour for OFF-LINE device status.\nvar backgroundcolour = context.get('background') || \"brown\";\n\n//  State   This sets what is happening.  See below.\nvar previous_state = context.get('state') || 0;\n//  State.\nvar ICSS = msg.state || 0;\n//node.warn(\"Message state is \" + ICSS);\n\n//\tUsed to signal machine shutting down.\nvar shutdown = context.get('shutdown') || 0;\n\n//  If machine is online or offline.\nvar online = context.get('online') || \"Off-line\";  // status of machine.\n\n//      Code for testing node.\n//online = \"On-line\";   //  Temporary line of code.\n\n//node.warn(\"online state is \" + online);\n\n//  I/C message variables.\nvar ICDID = msg.device_ID || 0;\n//var ICDID = payload.DEVICE;\n//node.warn(\"Device ID is \" + ICDID);\n\n//  Set up stuff here.\n//  This may no longer be needed.   Left in as precuation.\nif (ICDID == \"ALL\")\n{\n    ICDID = device;\n    if (debug === true)\n    {\n        node.warn(\"**  Reset button colours **\");\n        node.warn(msg.background);\n    }\n    previous_state = 4;\n    backgroundcolour = msg.background;\n    context.set(\"BLOCK_CHANGE\",0);\n    block_change = 0;\n}\n\nif (ICDID != device)\n{\n    //  2020 12 24 small addition here.\n    error_counter = context.get(\"error_counter\") || 0;\n    error_counter = error_counter + 1;\n    context.set(\"error_counter\",error_counter);\n    if (error_counter > 1)\n    {\n        node.warn(\"Node Configuration not set\");\n        node.error(\"Node Configuration not set\", msg)\n        //  fa-eye-slash\n        return [null,null,null,msg];\n    }\n}\n\n//  Main body here.\n//  Check device name.\nif (ICDID == device)\n{\n    context.set(\"error_counter\",0);     //2020 12 24\n  if (debug === true)\n  {\n      node.warn(\"*******************\");\n      node.warn(\"** DEVICES MATCH **\");\n      node.warn(\"Existing state is \" + previous_state);\n      node.warn(\"Incoming state is \" + ICSS);\n      node.warn(\"Line state is \" + online);\n      node.warn(\"Shutdown is \" + shutdown);\n      node.warn(\"Back ground colour is \" + backgroundcolour);\n      node.warn(\"*******************\");\n  }\n\n  //  Check function name.\n\n  //  Check things have changed.\n  if (previous_state !== ICSS)\n  {\n    //  And they have.\n    //  List of states:\n    //  0 - normal or command received and ok.\n    //  1 - command sent.\n    //  2 - command received.\n    //  3 - command error.\n    //  4 - device status changed.\n    //  5 - clear existing alarm.   (Work needed)\n    //  6 - Shutdown command received.\n    \n    //node.warn(\"Miss match detected\");\n    \n    //  Check if ERROR is active.\n    if (ICSS == 5)\n    {\n        //\n//        if (previous_state == 3)\n//        {\n            //  CLEAR ALARM button pressed.\n            context.set(\"BLOCK_CHANGE\",0);\n            block_change = 0;\n            previous_state = 0;\n            //\n            //node.warn(\"Alarm clear signal received\");\n            node.status({fill:\"green\",shape:\"dot\",text:\"0\"});\n            //   This line was background:msg.background but failed.\n            //   Changed to what it is now and all ok.\n            msg2 = {payload:\"\", background:\"lime\"};\n            msg3 = {payload:\"ERROR_ACK\",background:\"lime\"};\n            msg = null;\n            return [msg,msg2,msg3,null];\n\n//        }\n    }\n    \n    if (block_change == 1)\n    {\n        //\n        //  Don't allow any changes unless it is the \"clear\" signal.\n        //\n        return;\n    }\n\n    context.set('previous_state', ICSS);  //  save new state.\n//    previous_state = ICSS;               //      NEW PART     2019 12 24  Alamrs not clearing\n    //  Check if state is 0.\n    if (ICSS === 0)\n    {\n      if(previous_state != 3)\n      {\n        //\t\tButton ready to be pressed.\n        node.warn(\"Command completed ok\");\n        node.status({fill:\"green\",shape:\"dot\",text:\"0\"});\n        msg2 = { payload:\"\", background:msg.background};\n        msg3 = {payload:\"ERROR_ACK\",background:\"lime\"};\n        msg = null;\n        return [msg,msg2,msg3,null];\n      }\n    } else\n    if (ICSS == 1)\n    {\n        //\t\tButton is pressed.  Command SENT.\n        //  Need to check here if context 'online' is correct to allow button press.\n        node.warn(\"Button press phase 1\");\n        if (online == \"On-line\")\n        {\n            node.status({fill:\"grey\",shape:\"dot\",text:\"1\"});\n            msg2 = { payload:\"\", background:\"grey\"};\n            if (debug === true)\n            {\n                node.warn(\"Button press detected\");\n                node.warn(\"original message payload is \" + msg);\n            }\n        }\n        return [msg,msg2];\n    } else\n    if (ICSS == 2)\n    {\n        //\t\tCommand RECEIVED.\n        node.status({fill:\"black\",shape:\"dot\",text:\"2\"});\n        msg2 = { payload:\"\", background:\"black\"};\n        msg = null;\n        return [msg,msg2];\n    } else\n    if (ICSS == 3)\n    {\n        //\t\tCommand ERROR.\n        node.status({fill:\"red\",shape:\"dot\",text:\"3\"});\n        msg2 = { payload:\"\", background:\"red\"};\n        msg = null;\n        context.set(\"BLOCK_CHANGE\",1);\n        context.set('state',3);\n        //\n        //  Third message to send to set icon\n        //   md-error\n        msg3 = {payload:\"ERROR\"};\n        return [msg,msg2,msg3];\n    } else\n    if (ICSS == 4)   //////////   MACHINE STATE CHANGED  //////////////////\n    {\n        if(previous_state != 3)\n        {\n            if (debug === true)\n            {\n                //\t\tUpdate button colour.\n                node.warn(\"@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\");\n                node.warn(device);\n                node.warn(\"Payload = \" + msg.payload);\n                node.warn(\"Background colour -- \" + msg.background);\n                node.warn(\"State changed\");\n            }\n            context.set('background',msg.background);\n            //              Indicate node changed.\n            node.status({fill:\"yellow\",shape:\"dot\",text:\"4\"});\n            msg2 = { payload:\"\", background:msg.background};\n            context.set('state', 0);\n            \n            //  Set online status.\n            if (msg.background == \"lime\")\n            {\n                //\n                if (shutdown == 0)\n                {\n                    //node.warn(\"Online routine\");\n                    context.set('online',\"On-line\");\n                    //backgroundcolour = \"lime\";\n                    backgroundcolour = msg.background;\n                }\n            } else\n            //if (msg.background == \"brown\")\n            {\n                //\n                //node.warn(\"Offline routine\");\n                context.set('online',\"Off-line\");\n                context.set('shutdown',0);\n                //backgroundcolour = \"brown\";\n                backgroundcolour = msg.background;\n            }\n        }\n        //  2021 06 21\n        //msg = null;\n        //return [msg,msg2];\n        return [null,msg2];\n    } else\n    if (ICSS == 6)\n    {\n        //\n        context.set('shutdown',1);\n\tnode.warn(\"********* Shutdown set to 1 *************\");\n        context.set('online',\"Off-line\");\n        msg2 = { payload:\"\", background:\"brown\"};\n//        backgroundcolour = msg.background;\t\t//\tDunno what this line is supposed to do.\n\n        //msg = null;\t\t\t//\t2018-10-06  Added these two lines to fix problem of buttons not changing from BLACK.\n        //return [msg,msg2];\n        //  2021 06 21\n        return [null,msg2];\n\n    }\n  }\n}\n","outputs":4,"noerr":0,"initialize":"","finalize":"","x":233,"y":80,"wires":[[],[],[],[]]},{"id":"bcf40ba9.50171","type":"status","z":"65d097c2.63a148","name":"","scope":null,"x":200,"y":270,"wires":[[]]},{"id":"375244ec.75aa14","type":"change","z":"381d953d.4cf092","name":"Setup","rules":[{"t":"set","p":"topic","pt":"msg","to":"SET_Device_ID","tot":"str"},{"t":"set","p":"payload","pt":"msg","to":"MusicPi","tot":"str"}],"action":"","property":"","from":"","to":"","reg":false,"x":300,"y":1100,"wires":[["feb4d263.02fe58"]]},{"id":"9e32cf4d.bbc72","type":"catch","z":"381d953d.4cf092","name":"","scope":["feb4d263.02fe58"],"uncaught":false,"x":300,"y":1230,"wires":[["375244ec.75aa14"]]},{"id":"feb4d263.02fe58","type":"subflow:65d097c2.63a148","z":"381d953d.4cf092","name":"MusicPi button","env":[],"x":270,"y":1280,"wires":[["867e0921.94d2a8"],["9588db20.26f1b8","9100c526.4451","e1b743f8.1c4dd","82103f30.02acc8","13c988e.0e33277","4356c4f2.db883c","6a78ce63.dc5c58","341fb28e.a12546"],["a03446cc.d6fe78"],["968babd4.413468"]]},{"id":"968babd4.413468","type":"flogger","z":"381d953d.4cf092","name":"MusicPi","logfile":"musicpi.db","inputchoice":"fullmsg","inputobject":"payload","inputobjectType":"msg","inputmoustache":"Recieved payload {{payload}} and topic {{topic}}","loglevel":"INFO","logconfig":"17a90a5d.f9e26e","sendpane":"","x":310,"y":2070,"wires":[[]]},{"id":"17a90a5d.f9e26e","type":"config-log","logname":"MusicPi","logdir":"/home/pi/.node-red/public/logs","stamp":"local","logstyle":"plain","logrotate":false,"logcompress":false,"logrotatecount":"5","logsize":"1000"}]

Now, oops, that is for MusicPi (which isn't active) this is what the log file is I get for BedPi after getting errors.

This is extract.
The file is BIG as are the other two for the other two machines which are active.

2021/06/22 19:39:28 ERROR [msg] {"_msgid":"c6c268ab.ee9688","_event":"node:95ecca0a.3e62d","error":{"message":"Node Configuration not set","source":{"id":"493eaac7.a0d6ec","type":"function","name":"BedPi button","count":8}},"topic":"SET_Device_ID","_error":{"message":"Node Configuration not set","source":{"id":"493eaac7.a0d6ec","type":"function","name":"BedPi button","count":7}},"settings":{"input":"2021-06-22T09:39:02.586Z","input_format":"","input_tz":"Australia/Sydney","output_format":"YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss","output_locale":"en_AU","output_tz":"Australia/Sydney"},"time":"2021-06-22 19:39:02","payload":"BedPi"}
2021/06/22 19:39:29 ERROR [msg] {"_msgid":"c6c268ab.ee9688","_event":"node:95ecca0a.3e62d","error":{"message":"Node Configuration not set","source":{"id":"493eaac7.a0d6ec","type":"function","name":"BedPi button","count":7}},"topic":"SET_Device_ID","_error":{"message":"Node Configuration not set","source":{"id":"493eaac7.a0d6ec","type":"function","name":"BedPi button","count":6}},"settings":{"input":"2021-06-22T09:39:02.963Z","input_format":"","input_tz":"Australia/Sydney","output_format":"YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss","output_locale":"en_AU","output_tz":"Australia/Sydney"},"time":"2021-06-22 19:39:02","payload":"BedPi"}
2021/06/22 19:39:30 ERROR [msg] {"_msgid":"c6c268ab.ee9688","_event":"node:95ecca0a.3e62d","error":{"message":"Node Configuration not set","source":{"id":"493eaac7.a0d6ec","type":"function","name":"BedPi button","count":9}},"topic":"SET_Device_ID","_error":{"message":"Node Configuration not set","source":{"id":"493eaac7.a0d6ec","type":"function","name":"BedPi button","count":8}},"settings":{"input":"2021-06-22T09:39:02.586Z","input_format":"","input_tz":"Australia/Sydney","output_format":"YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss","output_locale":"en_AU","output_tz":"Australia/Sydney"},"time":"2021-06-22 19:39:02","payload":"BedPi"}
2021/06/22 19:39:31 ERROR [msg] {"_msgid":"c6c268ab.ee9688","_event":"node:95ecca0a.3e62d","error":{"message":"Node Configuration not set","source":{"id":"493eaac7.a0d6ec","type":"function","name":"BedPi button","count":8}},"topic":"SET_Device_ID","_error":{"message":"Node Configuration not set","source":{"id":"493eaac7.a0d6ec","type":"function","name":"BedPi button","count":7}},"settings":{"input":"2021-06-22T09:39:02.963Z","input_format":"","input_tz":"Australia/Sydney","output_format":"YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss","output_locale":"en_AU","output_tz":"Australia/Sydney"},"time":"2021-06-22 19:39:02","payload":"BedPi"}
2021/06/22 19:39:32 ERROR [msg] {"_msgid":"c6c268ab.ee9688","_event":"node:95ecca0a.3e62d","error":{"message":"Node Configuration not set","source":{"id":"493eaac7.a0d6ec","type":"function","name":"BedPi button","count":9}},"topic":"SET_Device_ID","_error":{"message":"Node Configuration not set","source":{"id":"493eaac7.a0d6ec","type":"function","name":"BedPi button","count":8}},"settings":{"input":"2021-06-22T09:39:02.963Z","input_format":"","input_tz":"Australia/Sydney","output_format":"YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss","output_locale":"en_AU","output_tz":"Australia/Sydney"},"time":"2021-06-22 19:39:02","payload":"BedPi"}

But all that is is the message sent as an error message.

Mind having a butcher's hook and see if you can see what is going on?

Oh, this is what is usually sent into it.

{"payload":"<font color = \"lime\" i class=\"fa fa-bullseye fa-2x\"></i></font>","topic":"BedPi/On-line","device_ID":"BedPi","background":"lime","_msgid":"b4a4d542.e604b8"}



Yes, I have to look a bit more at why I am sending two messages, but both comply with with the needs of the subflow/node and shouldn't create an error.

Not sure if both do comply, but the one which does is the one which is sent.


Only one of the two messages go into the node/subflow.
When I click on the link node/s (two go from a different tab to this one. Clicking on both I got sent to the same part of the page. But I then noticed it wasn't going there.)


This is a more revised code from the node.

lines changed/added:
msg_old = msg; near top

added return at the bottom of this:

if (msg.topic == "SET_Device_ID")
    node.warn("Setting node name");
//  2021 06 21
//  Added extra line/s to send incoming message to another ouput
//  when mis-match happens.

//  2020 12 24
//  Added code to try and negate "node config not set" getting through.   Line 96 and on.
//  2019 10 1 16:40
//	Button_Press_scanner14b
//  Added a line when configuring node with
//  `SET_Device_ID`
//  CHECK AROUND line 59 is commented out.
//  Should NOT be setting 'online'
//  Removed check if error is active if receiving ICSS == 5.
//  Makes it easier to clear false alarms.
//	Written now for SUBFLOW use.
//	MUST have name injected to node with message.topic = "SET_Device_ID" and payload of devicename.
//  Sends ERROR and ERROR_ACK messages to set icon if error happens.
//  Holds colour of buttons to RED until ERROR_ACK button pressed.
//  Node variables.
//  Name of machine this button set applies.
//  Tags needed:
//	msg.device_ID (name of device)
//	msg.state     (state)
//	msg.background (if machine state active)

var device = context.get('device')||0;

msg_old = msg;

// new
//  This locks the button colours if an alarm is received.
var block_change = context.get("BLOCK_CHANGE") ||0;

if (msg.topic == "SET_Device_ID")
    node.warn("Setting node name");

var msg2;
var msg3;
//  Check if debug is enabled.
var debug = flow.get(device+'_Button_Debug') || false;
//node.warn("Debug set to " + debug);

//  Background colour for button.  Colour for OFF-LINE device status.
var backgroundcolour = context.get('background') || "brown";

//  State   This sets what is happening.  See below.
var previous_state = context.get('state') || 0;
//  State.
var ICSS = msg.state || 0;
//node.warn("Message state is " + ICSS);

//	Used to signal machine shutting down.
var shutdown = context.get('shutdown') || 0;

//  If machine is online or offline.
var online = context.get('online') || "Off-line";  // status of machine.

//      Code for testing node.
//online = "On-line";   //  Temporary line of code.

//node.warn("online state is " + online);

//  I/C message variables.
var ICDID = msg.device_ID || 0;
//var ICDID = payload.DEVICE;
//node.warn("Device ID is " + ICDID);

//  Set up stuff here.
//  This may no longer be needed.   Left in as precuation.
if (ICDID == "ALL")
    ICDID = device;
    if (debug === true)
        node.warn("**  Reset button colours **");
    previous_state = 4;
    backgroundcolour = msg.background;
    block_change = 0;

if (ICDID != device)
    //  2020 12 24 small addition here.
    error_counter = context.get("error_counter") || 0;
    error_counter = error_counter + 1;
    if (error_counter > 1)
        node.warn("Node Configuration not set");
        node.error("Node Configuration not set", msg)
        //  fa-eye-slash
        return [null,null,null,msg_old];

//  Main body here.
//  Check device name.
if (ICDID == device)
    context.set("error_counter",0);     //2020 12 24
  if (debug === true)
      node.warn("** DEVICES MATCH **");
      node.warn("Existing state is " + previous_state);
      node.warn("Incoming state is " + ICSS);
      node.warn("Line state is " + online);
      node.warn("Shutdown is " + shutdown);
      node.warn("Back ground colour is " + backgroundcolour);

  //  Check function name.

  //  Check things have changed.
  if (previous_state !== ICSS)
    //  And they have.
    //  List of states:
    //  0 - normal or command received and ok.
    //  1 - command sent.
    //  2 - command received.
    //  3 - command error.
    //  4 - device status changed.
    //  5 - clear existing alarm.   (Work needed)
    //  6 - Shutdown command received.
    //node.warn("Miss match detected");
    //  Check if ERROR is active.
    if (ICSS == 5)
//        if (previous_state == 3)
//        {
            //  CLEAR ALARM button pressed.
            block_change = 0;
            previous_state = 0;
            //node.warn("Alarm clear signal received");
            //   This line was background:msg.background but failed.
            //   Changed to what it is now and all ok.
            msg2 = {payload:"", background:"lime"};
            msg3 = {payload:"ERROR_ACK",background:"lime"};
            msg = null;
            return [msg,msg2,msg3,null];

//        }
    if (block_change == 1)
        //  Don't allow any changes unless it is the "clear" signal.

    context.set('previous_state', ICSS);  //  save new state.
//    previous_state = ICSS;               //      NEW PART     2019 12 24  Alamrs not clearing
    //  Check if state is 0.
    if (ICSS === 0)
      if(previous_state != 3)
        //		Button ready to be pressed.
        node.warn("Command completed ok");
        msg2 = { payload:"", background:msg.background};
        msg3 = {payload:"ERROR_ACK",background:"lime"};
        msg = null;
        return [msg,msg2,msg3,null];
    } else
    if (ICSS == 1)
        //		Button is pressed.  Command SENT.
        //  Need to check here if context 'online' is correct to allow button press.
        node.warn("Button press phase 1");
        if (online == "On-line")
            msg2 = { payload:"", background:"grey"};
            if (debug === true)
                node.warn("Button press detected");
                node.warn("original message payload is " + msg);
        return [msg,msg2];
    } else
    if (ICSS == 2)
        //		Command RECEIVED.
        msg2 = { payload:"", background:"black"};
        msg = null;
        return [msg,msg2];
    } else
    if (ICSS == 3)
        //		Command ERROR.
        msg2 = { payload:"", background:"red"};
        msg = null;
        //  Third message to send to set icon
        //   md-error
        msg3 = {payload:"ERROR"};
        return [msg,msg2,msg3];
    } else
    if (ICSS == 4)   //////////   MACHINE STATE CHANGED  //////////////////
        if(previous_state != 3)
            if (debug === true)
                //		Update button colour.
                node.warn("Payload = " + msg.payload);
                node.warn("Background colour -- " + msg.background);
                node.warn("State changed");
            //              Indicate node changed.
            msg2 = { payload:"", background:msg.background};
            context.set('state', 0);
            //  Set online status.
            if (msg.background == "lime")
                if (shutdown == 0)
                    //node.warn("Online routine");
                    //backgroundcolour = "lime";
                    backgroundcolour = msg.background;
            } else
            //if (msg.background == "brown")
                //node.warn("Offline routine");
                //backgroundcolour = "brown";
                backgroundcolour = msg.background;
        //  2021 06 21
        //msg = null;
        //return [msg,msg2];
        return [null,msg2];
    } else
    if (ICSS == 6)
	node.warn("********* Shutdown set to 1 *************");
        msg2 = { payload:"", background:"brown"};
//        backgroundcolour = msg.background;		//	Dunno what this line is supposed to do.

        //msg = null;			//	2018-10-06  Added these two lines to fix problem of buttons not changing from BLACK.
        //return [msg,msg2];
        //  2021 06 21
        return [null,msg2];



After seeing more errors being caught and even more investigating, I found for one of the machines I had occidentally selected two links from another flow.

I removed that and shall now see what happens.

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