📋 Survey: logging to debug sidebar

node.log() because it emulates the function of console.log() but applies to a node and follows the syntax already in place with node.warn() etc.

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I think @TotallyInformation is right and when I first read it, I thought node.view(). This would be easily understandable for a wider audience (but is NR editor ment for non-programmers? I can agree the Dashboard is)

Hi Nick, I would suppose to show all the errors on the debug node individually.

So that means that when an error occurs in a node the error message can be read by hoving the mousepointer over the node.
In this case the background color of the debug node has already colored red to indicate the error.

When creating flows I use the debug node with the option “Node status = checkmarked“ to show me the first impression if the payload corresponds with my expectations.

If you use an extra checkmark in the debug node you can choose for using the error handling as suggested.

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