Switch node show state of the input not working as in earlier versions

My current Node Red deployment uses node-red-dashboard version 3.6.1. I have a couple of switches set to "Switch icon shows state of the input" and I have a mqtt in node connected to the switch input side. When a "on" or "off" message is received the switch shows the state of received message. I am also able to use the switch from the dashboard to switch the device on and off and the switch's state shows correctly.

I configured a test Node Red instance and installed node-red-dashboard version 3.6.5. When the switch is set to "Switch icon shows state of the input" the status is updated correctly on incomming mqtt messages but I am no longer able to use the switch on the dashboard. On the dashboard when the switch is pressed it only sends the on payload and do not change state.

Is this a bug in the current version?

The behaviour has not changed. When you click the switch in that mode it does not change immediately, it is only when the changed value arrives back at the input that it changes (that is what Show State of Input means). I suspect with your new test that the changed value is not coming back from MQTT. Add a debug node to the MQTT In to see if it is.

Thanks Colin. Never thougt of that. Working as expected now.

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