Hi All
I am very new and so out of depth its not even funny, but I have been playing around with tasmota/Mqtt and node red for going on to 6 months now and it is hectic! In this almost 6 months I have I have several switches on my dash board and a temp and humidity guage which I am extremely happy with. Then of course I started playing around wit sensors (sonoff's door/window sensors and motion detectors) I know sonoff's sensors is not the best as they only send one "code" to let the RF bridge know that there is movement but for now it is a start for me. So I got these in a flow and it is relatively easy to get to do things for example switch on a light and turn off again after x amount of minutes. BUT after a week now and trying to read and understand what is happening in the forum I cannot place a switch to stop and to start this flow. All I want is on the dashboard to display a switch whereby I can switch on that if a topic arrives from the sensors to what ever I want them to do and if I wish to stop it from " listening" to that topic!
My flow looks like this:
ANY help will be really appreciated!