Time control using a switch

hello, I'm just changing from pilight to nodered. There I have set, that at certain times z.b sockets are switched. but if an "absent" button is pressed, other schedules will apply. this is exactly what I do not get implemented in node red.

I’ve moved this to #general as I assume this is a problem you are having rather than core development

See this thread where a switch can be switched based on another condition How do I only pass a motion sensor change between dusk and dawn?

I ask differently. I use schedex. with msg.payload.suspended you can set this active and not active. if I try this via a "switch", I get an error message (unsupported input). what am I doing wrong? unfortunately you're newbie :frowning:

It would be easier to know where you are going wrong if you post your flow. Please read the following post How to share code or flow json and then post your flow

This way works:


msg.payload = {};
msg.payload.suspended = true;
return msg;

or using a change node
