Timezone appears out by 1 hour for Europe/London

woah woah woah!

What is the input from doing with 1970-01*01T07.00?

Input from should be msg.payload


Looks like it is reporting the time with the UTC DST offset

Time Zone UTC offest UTC DST offset
ETC/UTC +00:00 +00:00
ETC/GMT +00:00 +00:00
Europe/London +00:00 +01:00

see List of tz database time zones - Wikipedia

Thanks for all your responses, I went ahead with the solution I put together, with the modification from @Colin - Thank you.

Other responses:

I know, I used the 1970 date in the Input from to enable testing.

Absolutely right, but couldn't understand why BST (British Summer Time) / DST would be showing in January.

Letā€™s state the obvious. Big Ben is in Westminster, London, England. Very much in the northern hemisphere. On the 1st January 1970, itā€™s winter. So itā€™s usually observing GMT/UTC.

In 1968 the UK trialled year round daylight saving time. This trial lasted until 1971 and meant that London was permanently on BST (now renamed as British Standard Time) which was GMT+1. Due to this three year exception to the usual spring forward / fall back rule, Big Ben was not on UTC at the time of the Epoch.

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Oh, of course. I should have remembered that, it was a big talking point at the time.

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