Trap receiver to digital output

Hi everyone,

I need to trigger 2 digital outputs by SNMP traps, so seems like node-red is the best solution
The main issue is that I cannot handle what oid to send, so I need to use function or switch in order to select conditions of oid values

I see a lot of examples but nothing regarding node-red-contrib-snmp-trap-listener.....
any hint is welcome

  • "" with integer X = initially is always 0 and after, >0 and represent time when alarm ended
  • "" with integer 1 or 3 = 1 for warning / 3 for critical

Digital output 1
-If message contain oid: "" with integer 0 and oid:"" with integer 1 then Digital output 1 on


  • If message contain oid: "" with integer >0 and oid:" with integer 1 then Digital output 1 off

Digital output 2
-If message contain oid: "" with integer 0 and oid: "" with integer 3 then Digital output 2 on

-If message contain oid: "" with integer >0 and oid: "" with integer 3

also optional if DO 2 is on then DO 1 must remain off even the conditions match to switch on


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