Trend charts with zoom and slide functionality?

We use some of the Opto22 groovEPIC devices and one of the built-in gadgets in their groovView HMI is a trend chart that allows you to zoom and slide to get zoomed in views of the chart data.

see screen recording here

Is there an easy way to replicate this kind of functionality with the charts in Dashboard v2?

that is just an EChart (example: Examples - Apache ECharts)

We are (@BartButenaers is) in the process of adding eCharts to dashboard but its some way off.

In the mean time, you can DIY it: How to configure Echarts in Dashboard 2? - #4 by Steve-Mcl

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Hi @Steve-Mcl,
I have added that feature last night (to my local ui chart node version): see demo


Lā™„ve it Bart. Glad you spotted that feature. There are tons more (like offering download/export etc)

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@Steve-Mcl it's exciting to know that Dashboard is moving to ECharts... after looking at the link you shared it looks like all of the functionality I was looking for will come along with that transition.

Download/export would definitely be a great feature too!

You can also check Amcharts