I used the node-red-contrib-redlink module to send and receive messages across instances in Node-RED.
I am running two instances of Node-RED: one on port 3000 and the other on port 4000.
On the instance running on port 3000, I configured a producer and a store node to produce a payload through an inject node.
On the instance running on port 4000, I am trying to consume the payload using a consumer node.
While setting up message consumption, it prompted me to specify a "store."
When I included the "store," it then asked me to define a "listening port."
I entered port 3000, as I expect multiple instances to communicate using this port.
However, the "store" node is indicating an error, prompting me to set a new port.
Even I've tried assigning a new port, which resolved the error indication, but I'm still not seeing any progress in the output.
Could you please provide a sample flow? It would really help in understanding the configuration and troubleshooting the issue effectively.
Any guidance would be greatly appreciated
flows (18).json (12.2 KB)
Thank you!