Troubleshooting Node-RED Message Communication Between Instances Using node-red-contrib-redlink


I used the node-red-contrib-redlink module to send and receive messages across instances in Node-RED.

I am running two instances of Node-RED: one on port 3000 and the other on port 4000.

On the instance running on port 3000, I configured a producer and a store node to produce a payload through an inject node.

On the instance running on port 4000, I am trying to consume the payload using a consumer node.

While setting up message consumption, it prompted me to specify a "store."

When I included the "store," it then asked me to define a "listening port."

I entered port 3000, as I expect multiple instances to communicate using this port.

However, the "store" node is indicating an error, prompting me to set a new port.

Even I've tried assigning a new port, which resolved the error indication, but I'm still not seeing any progress in the output.

Could you please provide a sample flow? It would really help in understanding the configuration and troubleshooting the issue effectively.

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated

flows (18).json (12.2 KB)

Thank you!

It seems that node has not been updated for 5 years, and there does not seem to be any activity on its github page, so I suspect it may not work. Also there has been no mention of it here other than one user asking for help on how to use it in 2019, who was advised to ask the author.

Personally I suggest not using that, but to use MQTT with mosquitto instead, which is well understood and supported. If you don't want to do that then you could submit an issue on the node's github page asking for help and see if there is a response.

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