Tuya - Nodered - Curtain-Switch

i have 5 Curatin Switches. There work fine with the smart life app.
i want to controll the curtain with a the Nodered Dashboard-Button.
But i dont know how i can do it?
have anyone a flow for me that i can import it to my nodered?

I have done an experiment before, and cotrol 2 curtain switches via zigbee2mqtt.

the video here.

And the NR code here:

        "id": "995375fae4eaf28c",
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        "name": "鏃犵嚎寮€鍏?,
        "topic": "zigbee2mqtt/0x00158d00087f6b67",
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        "rh": 0,
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        "type": "function",
        "z": "995375fae4eaf28c",
        "name": "鎺ユ敹鎸夐挳鎸囦护锛屾帶鍒剁獥甯?,
        "func": "if (msg.payload.action == \"quadruple\"){\n    msg.payload = \"{\\\"state\\\": \\\"CLOSE\\\"}\";//鎺у埗绐楀笜鍏砛n    return msg;\n}\nif (msg.payload.action == \"triple\") {\n    //鎺у埗绐楀笜寮€\n    msg.payload = \"{\\\"state\\\": \\\"OPEN\\\"}\";\n    return msg;\n}\n//return msg;",
        "outputs": 1,
        "noerr": 0,
        "initialize": "",
        "finalize": "",
        "libs": [],
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        "type": "mqtt out",
        "z": "995375fae4eaf28c",
        "name": "鎺у埗鍙崇獥甯?,
        "topic": "zigbee2mqtt/0x54ef44100050c9a7/set",
        "qos": "",
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        "contentType": "",
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        "correl": "",
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        "type": "mqtt out",
        "z": "995375fae4eaf28c",
        "name": "鎺у埗宸︾獥甯?,
        "topic": "zigbee2mqtt/0x54ef4410005b5dad/set",
        "qos": "",
        "retain": "",
        "respTopic": "",
        "contentType": "",
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        "type": "mqtt in",
        "z": "995375fae4eaf28c",
        "name": "绾㈠浼犳劅鍣?,
        "topic": "zigbee2mqtt/0x00158d0006c03205",
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        "type": "function",
        "z": "995375fae4eaf28c",
        "name": "绾㈠妫€娴嬫湁浜?,
        "func": "if (Boolean(msg.payload.occupancy)){\n    //msg.payload = \"{\\\"LED\\\": \\\"Blink\\\"}\";\n    return msg;\n}\n//return msg;",
        "outputs": 1,
        "noerr": 0,
        "initialize": "",
        "finalize": "",
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        "type": "function",
        "z": "995375fae4eaf28c",
        "name": "妫€娴嬫椂闂?,
        "func": "var payload = msg;\n \nif (payload.myhour == 8){\n    //鎺у埗绐楀笜寮€\n    msg.payload = \"{\\\"state\\\": \\\"OPEN\\\"}\";\n    return msg;\n}\nelse if (payload.myhour == 21){\n    msg.payload = \"{\\\"state\\\": \\\"CLOSE\\\"}\";//鎺у埗绐楀笜鍏砛n    return msg;\n}",
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        "props": [
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                "vt": "str"
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        "birthTopic": "",
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        "birthPayload": "",
        "birthMsg": {},
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        "closePayload": "",
        "closeMsg": {},
        "willTopic": "",
        "willQos": "0",
        "willPayload": "",
        "willMsg": {},
        "userProps": "",
        "sessionExpiry": ""

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