Typed input of type 're' (i.e. regular expresssion)

Hi folks,

I want to enter a text into a typedinput, but there should be a visible indication when the text does not match a specified regular expression.

I see that the typedinput allows to use regular expressions:

Can that be used for my purpose? And could anybody provide a simple example? I certainly must be overthinking it, but I am not sure how to specify my regex...


Not quite following Bart. Can you provide an annotated screen shot describing what you are seeing and what you expect to see?

Hey Steve,
I have no screen yet for this part. Currently I have a simple text input element, with a regex to validate the input based on some pattern. For example:

<input type="text" name="country_code" pattern="[A-Za-z]{3}">

Now I would like to do something similar with a TypedInput. So I thought that I could use identifier "re" instead of "str" (see screenshot above).

But from your response I assume the "re" identifier is used for a complete other purpose?


So, the re input is to provide a means of letting a user enter a regex, not for validating users input.

If you simply want to validate user input you can do that use a validator (you can even use regex in your validation).

        defaults: {
            myString: {
                value: "",
                validate: RED.validators.regex(/[A-Za-z]{3}/)

Perhaps if you provide context to the task at hand I can better help?

Ah that explains my confusion. Indeed I thought it was used for validating an input based on a regex, and I had no idea where to specify that regex :roll_eyes:

So my case is this: some property needs to be a string, that needs to contain a pattern. The string can be hardcoded in the config screen, or injected via an input message. So the types of my TypedInput are ["str", "msg"]. But in the config screen the pattern matching test should only be applied when type is "str", not for "msg".

While writing my problem down here, I assume you are going to tell me that I need a validation function that only checks the pattern if type is "str"...

You can define your own type that is a copy of the str type, but with your added custom validation rule:

types: [
        value: "str",
        label: "Bart's String",
        icon: "red/images/typedInput/az.svg",
        validate: function (value, opt) {
            // return true/false depending on if `value` is valid or not

Ah ok, that is indeed much more readable compare to a general validation function that depends on the type.
Thanks guys and enjoy your weekend!

I add that you can also return a string which will be the error message displayed by the input.

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