UI Table Adjustments

As you can see in the code above I am having to adjust the font individually for each property (column). So my original question of being able to adjust the universal font for the table still stands.

@jbudd This is the code inside my ui_template that I borrowed from the example I posted above. If you would like me to share a flow I can, but I believe I followed the instructions properly from the example. The only instructions he gave were to put the ui_template node in the same group as your ui_table which I have done.


/* Tabelle selbst formatieren*/

  .tabulator{padding-left:2px;border:0px solid #BBB;background-color:#111217;font-size:18px}

/* Header formatieren */
  .tabulator .tabulator-header{border-bottom:1px solid #BBB;background-color:#111217}
  .tabulator .tabulator-header .tabulator-col{border-right:0px solid #aaa;background-color:#111217}
  .tabulator-arrow{visibility: collapse;}
  .tabulator .tabulator-header .tabulator-col.tabulator-sortable .tabulator-col-title {padding-right: 2px;}

/* Zellen formatieren*/
  .tabulator-row .tabulator-cell{border-right:0px solid #888; padding-top: 4px;}


In this thread another ui_template node was used to adjust the formatting. It contains almost the same code but with different styling. This one doesn't work for me either.

Also just to clarify originally I imported both examples and did not change anything except for the group location. The code inside was identical to the example I imported. Later I tried adjusting the color values but at no point has either example changed any of the colors in my table.