Ui-table: highlight updated cells with animations

This only works if you update your ui-table by commands!

I researched a while to get my tables show dynamic updates of cells visually:


In the end the solution is quite simple.

A template node to define your css animation: keyframes and class (added to head section)

    @keyframes highlightUpdate {
      from {background-color: #ff0000ff;}
      to {background-color: #ff000000;}
    .run-highlightUpdate {
        animation: highlightUpdate 2s ease;

you can be very creative here .... this one is very simple background fade

The animation can be triggered globally by a rowUpdated callback function defined by msg.ui_control.tabulator.rowUpdated

function(row) {
    row.getCells().forEach(cell => {
        let oldValue = cell.getOldValue();
        if (oldValue!== null && cell.getValue()!=oldValue){
            let element = cell.getElement();
            void element.offsetWidth;

There is no cellUpdated callback available so it has to loop through all cells in a row and looks if one of them is updated

or you can use a custom formatter if you like to limit the highlight animation only to certain columns or run different animations to individual columns.

function(cell, formatterParams, onRendered) {
    var html = cell.getValue();
    if (html!==cell.getOldValue()) {
        var element = cell.getElement();
        void element.offsetWidth;
    // do your formating of the html variable here 
    return html;

For me the challenge was to "restart" the animation on every update ... after a lot of searching and try and error removing the class and forcing a "kind of" reflow with element.offsetWidth; finally does the trick.

Open and grateful for better solutions!


Thanks @Christian-Me ! just what I was looking for. :slight_smile:

auto update3

Achraf B.

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This is indeed a cool addition to ui-table. Thanx for sharing @Christian-Me

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