UI Text Formatting

Hey all, I have a SQL database linked and running a query that outputs a payload and I am able to select it individually by msg.payload.rows[0] etc, but when trying to display it on the UI I can't figure out how to display just the value inside quotations. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!

show the output of debug 1. copy and paste.

Your problem will be made a bit simpler if you change your query a bit

SELECT blah, blah, SUBSTR(CNTR_DESC, 1, 8) AS desc, blah, blah from blah...

The value "1G030142" then becomes msg.payload.rows[0].desc or (in a template) msg.payload.rows.0.desc

Edit: desc is no doubt a reserved word. Use some other alias eg shortdesc

SELECT * FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT substr(cntr_desc, 1, 8) FROM v_rt_shift_oee_calc ORDER BY DBMS_RANDOM.RANDOM) WHERE rownum < 11 : msg : Object


payload: object

metaData: array[1]

rows: array[10]

0: object

1: object

2: object

3: object

4: object

5: object

6: object

7: object

8: object

9: object

topic: "SELECT * FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT substr(cntr_desc, 1, 8) FROM v_rt_shift_oee_calc ORDER BY DBMS_RANDOM.RANDOM) WHERE rownum < 11"

event: object

socketid: "X1rZgd20towjSWsqAAAF"

_msgid: "1ba0387e7ae4baf6"

sorry, i wasn't clear. open any one object completely of the debug output and paste the value.
also, if you could follow @jbudd advice, the result will be simpler to implement

rows: array[10]

0: object

SUBSTR(CNTR_DESC,1,8): "1H080104"

1: object

2: object

SUBSTR(CNTR_DESC,1,8): "1B010211"

sorry forgot to ask, is this dashboard 1 or dashboard 2.0 ?

assuming, dashboard 1,
try this in the ui-text

[{"id":"91326ae9c1b76ad6","type":"ui_text","z":"4cde86148e5b95f7","group":"6339e2ead216512f","order":4,"width":0,"height":0,"name":"","label":"","format":"{{payload[0]SUBSTR(CNTR_DESC,1,8)}}","layout":"row-spread","className":"","style":false,"font":"","fontSize":16,"color":"#000000","x":775,"y":1600,"wires":[]},{"id":"6339e2ead216512f","type":"ui_group","name":"Group 2","tab":"5e0dd10e66fdea95","order":2,"disp":false,"width":"30","collapse":false,"className":""},{"id":"5e0dd10e66fdea95","type":"ui_tab","name":"TEST","icon":"dashboard","order":9,"disabled":false,"hidden":false}]

also if you would have followed @jbudd advice, it would have been simpler.

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