UIBUILDER Front-end routing example


Unfortunately, some other bugs have cropped up and I'm going to have to do one tomorrow anyway. So the fix is included. :slight_smile: Watch out for v6.8.2 tomorrow, I'll update the release note in the forum when I've done it.

Its a pleasure to be sure.

I've lots more ideas even for the router.

Next release (v6.9) will have the ability to lazy-load the route templates as well as automatically unloading them. (And manually).

This will facilitate some interesting use-cases such as a building-wide collection of Kiosks all controlled from a single Node-RED instance. Where Node-RED determines what routes are shown, in what order and for how long.

It should also make it possible to have thousands (or more!) external templates such as for a WIKI or other Knowledge Base type use-case. Coupled with uibuilder's capability of displaying Markdown, that could be really useful.

I'm also thinking about ways to have >1 route display area on-page so that even your menu's could be routes. That would be yet another path to automating different menus and keeping the core HTML small.

Of course, with the uib-save node, it is now very easy to get Node-RED to update route template files. So menu automation could be done via a simple flow.