UIBUILDER Next Release: What's next? Jan 2025 edition

Hi all,

For those folk who like to keep track of where UIBUILDER is going, thought you might like a quick update.

I had been working on some other things, including my web components.

However, tanpau raised a very interesting idea on GitHub that I couldn't resist trying out.

The idea was to create a new - greatly simplified - node that, when used, creates a simple web UI in the Node-RED Editor sidebar.

Yes, I know that the Editor is not meant to be used as a Dashboard but it seemed clear - with hindsight! - that this could be a really useful little feature. So I started a quick proof of concept which has quickly turned into something workable.

So this is likely to be the main feature of v7.2.0 of UIBUILDER.

Key features:

  • The node has a built-in HTML editor. The sidebar shows that HTML.
  • Input messages can update or reset the sidebar content.
  • Changes made in the sidebar (e.g. using input, select, textarea, etc) are automatically output from the node.

The node is not yet complete but is usable if you install the v7.2.0 branch of UIBUILDER from GitHub.

The only other highlight of this coming release is the improvement to the applyTemplate ui function which now has 3 modes of operation allowing much greater flexibility of use without any real increase in complexity.