Unable to install ncd-red-wireless

Someone else will have to help with this now, as it is to do with visual studio again, and I don't use Windows.

okay thanks for your help, appreciate.

their is no other sensor that can work in place of the one i want to use.

Have you searched flows.nodered.org?

Looks like the @engrponle reinstalled node v19 then went back to v18 but looking at the error in the following logs, he has NOT selected the checkbox to install "necessary tools"

@engrponle the visual studio compiler and python and all the things needed to build the serial port bindings are installed when you install "necessary tools" during the installation of nodejs.

Without this, you will see the Visual Studio errors.

I hesitated to say that, because exactly the same errors were seen with nodjs 19, but the OP had posted a screenshot of installing that, showing the box ticked.

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