Newbie here and trying to set up a Vacation mode. The task I'm trying to do is check if people haven't been around for a while, so both of us away --> start video recording. If we're away and motion detected by any of the internal motion sensors, send an alert. Feels like it should be straightforward and I'm using an AND boolean for both away and an OR for motion detected.
The issue I get is while we're not away doesn't matter whether there is motion or not - my flow correctly goes from FALSE to TRUE, once the motion is over (or if none detected for 5 minutes) it should go back to FALSE, but I can't seem to get it to do that. I understand how to get it to push 'TRUE' but not a 'FALSE' when no motion is detected. I've tried using an Inject node or Trigger node, but just not getting it to work.
Thank you for reading this and even more thanks if you can help. I have tried searching for some ideas but Updating just tends to come back with how to update the version of NR.
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