Use a switch for changing state and change its status with inputs too

Hi! I've noticed the 2 things can't be done together, I may change the icon color by pressing button but the inputs don't have effect, viceversa I can change icon colour by inputs.. but the switch press is disabled.
I would use dashboard in a multiple input platform (Alexa, Google home, Homekit, wallbuttons etc.) and I need to keep the button functions + change the status (without the passthrough), how this is possible? Thanks

If I understand correctly

Yes use the Indicator setting , set it to "switch icon shows state of input" and wire past the switch


thanks for reply,
ok I got where is the problem, can you try with icon mi-lightbulb ?

Sure supply us a test flow and I would be glad to.

It's needed to give a feedback to the switch, ok solved, sorry for silly question



[edit] this looks better, there is a hidden wire that links through, move change node to see it.


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