Use FFmpeg to convert RSTP stream to MP4

I didn't see an answer to my question about the youTube stream key, so I googled, this seems recent enough to perhaps be a good starting point:

Google keeps changing things for no clearly good reason. Android phones really need an "It works just fine as it is, don't F with it!" button.

I had no issues with Posenet, very well documented and easy to use, it worked very well on security camera images that had a "flat" enough viewing angle, a sample video I made:

I passed my modified Posenet sample code on to some of my pre-retirement colleagues who study "gait", their holy grail is "marker-less" body segment trajectories.

Obviously hollywood might use this technology someday for their green screen character animations if they aren't already.

We do get off topic here some times, but node-red brings together such a diverse and competent community that I always seem to learn something useful every time!


It's now live, and using about 50% of the upstream bandwith of the old camera... That was "fun".



Great read here!

"We do get off topic here some times, but node-red brings together such a diverse and competent community that I always seem to learn something useful every time!"

do you have your code for posenet experiments sowhere? github?
i experimented with your ai-detector code for my nodered, was great!
may i try something with posenet from your code...? or do i have to retire beforhand?

Video stream looks good. Thanks for mowing the lawn. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Needs must I guess :slight_smile:

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