Use {{payload}} to play URL by media_player

I'm trying to send a payload that consists of an URL to call a service and start this radio stream.
This is what I've entered in the 'Data' property field:

    "media_content_id": "{{payload}}",
    "media_content_type": "audio/mp3"

I don't see any error, but the actual URL is not played/streamed to the media device. However, when I use the exact same flow, but enter the URL directly in the 'Data' property (see below), the URL is played and the flow works perfectly.

    "media_content_id": "",
    "media_content_type": "audio/mp3"

Does anyone know how to use payload data to start playing a stream?

Try {{msg.payload}}

Or if the type input field has JSONata (J:) then you can do

    "media_content_id": $$.payload,
    "media_content_type": "audio/mp3"

[edit] I am guessing this is a homeassitant node, from their docs-

By default, Mustache will replace certain characters with their HTML escape codes. To stop this happening, you can use triple braces: {{{payload}}}

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Thanks for your support, but this doesn't work unfortunately. The following error is than showed in debug: Call-service error. string index out of range.

It's indeed a Home Assistant node I'm using. The triple braces solved the issue.
Thank you for your help!

@alborg; I've seen your post about the same issue. The solution to the issue is described in this topic.

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