Hello all
I'm quit new to node red so I can use some help to learn and get my test setup working
The idea is to switch a shelly1 plus relay by mqtt in function of the state of charger of a battery.
I setup a mosquitto broker on my freenas system en works fine, I'm running node red on a cerbo gx device. I'm already able to controle the shelly relay manualy in node red by "inject" function. Now at this point I want to switch the relay automatic in funtion of the state of charge. The state of charge comes in as "msg.payload: number 99 (value from 0-99)" How can I use this value to switch on the relay above 95 and off below 94. I guess I need the "function" node, I tried already but with no succes.
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"type": "tab",
"label": "Relay control by SOC",
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"finalize": "",
"libs": [],
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"y": 300,
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