Using node-red for RSS / website monitors to replace Huginn

Not sure you are being fair here. The cheerio library is great at analysing and extracting html elements. The html node uses this, albeit in a somewhat limited way, hence the blog post I pointed to earlier in the thread.

The node-red-contrib-nbrowser node gives access to a full headless browser environment so even dynamic pages can be analysed and data extracted.

There are lots of options in JavaScript for sanitising HTML

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No, you're right, I should have worded it differently. Thanks for pointing those out, gives me something to play with in the future some day :slight_smile:


Well ... thank you!
You surely provided me with plenty leads to start and toy around with.

I guess all the sites are this complex and frankly, I am in a little WTF-mode as to how complex it appears to be, based on your descriptions!

For sure did not expect the necessity to have one thing beyond the CSS ID of

Guess nothing is ever grueling easy. :wink:

Hopefully not all will be, that was a particularly complex page, many will be a lot simpler.

Did you ever find a solution? I'm in the same situation. I need to monitor about 300 RSS feeds. currently have them setup with feed parser which is a pain. Whenever I need to add a feed I have to re-deploy...