What I'm trying to do is:
- Display a list (array of strings) of Downtime reasons.
- User (via dashboard) selects the list using a dropdown
- User selects which member to edit using a dropdown
- User can update a list member using a Text Input
- When a list is selected, a file is read and the payload is written to both the DisplayArray, and GlobalArray.
The above works fine. My problem is that my working/display array, and the original are getting updated immediately so the highlighting doesn't work. Only works if I update 1 manually with an inject etc.
When the user updates a member, it should only update the DisplayArray so the member is highlighted yellow due to not matching.
After a Save and Load, they should match and background is white. I took away updating the original on Save trying to troubleshoot. This issue has eaten about as much time as I should have used on the project.
I'm not sure if I posted my flow correctly:
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"label": "Enter Correction:",
"tooltip": "Correct Reason Option Selected",
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"func": "let Step=global.get(\"MT01_ReasonsStep\");\nlet ReadArray = \"MT01_Step\" + Step + \"_Reasons\";\nlet DisplayArray = \"Display_MT01_Reasons\";\n\nglobal.set(ReadArray, msg.payload);\nflow.set(DisplayArray, msg.payload);\n\nmsg.payload = msg.payload;\n\nnode.status({fill:\"blue\",shape:\"ring\",text:\"OK\"});\nreturn msg;",
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"name": "obj to File",
"func": "//Set Variables for Mixer Sequence Delay Reasons csv:\nlet n = msg.topic;\nlet Step = global.get(\"MT0\" + n + \"_ReasonsStep\");\nlet MSDR_FN = \"MT0\" + n +\"_Step\" + Step + \"_Reasons\";\nlet CorrectedReason = flow.get(\"Display_MT01_Reasons\");\n\n\n\nmsg.filename = \"D:\\\\PersistentTagValues\\\\MSD_Reasons\\\\MT0\" + n + \"\\\\\" + MSDR_FN + \".csv\";\nmsg.payload=CorrectedReason;\n\nnode.status({fill:\"blue\",shape:\"ring\",text:\"OK\"});\nreturn msg;",
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"func": "let Bowl=\"MT01\"; // Setup Setup Setup\nlet R_Count = 15;\nlet Step=global.get(\"MT01_ReasonsStep\");\nlet j = 0;\n\nconst RL_html = [];\nfor (j = 0; j < (R_Count+1); j++) {\n let StoredArray = global.get(Bowl + \"_Step\" + Step + \"_Reasons[\" + j + \"]\");\n let dsp = flow.get(\"Display_\" + Bowl + \"_Reasons[\" + j + \"]\");\n let HTML1 = \"<div style='background-color: \";\n let HTML2=\"\";\n if (StoredArray == dsp){\n HTML2 = \"white\";\n }else{\n HTML2 = \"yellow\"; \n }\n let HTML3 = \"; width:100%; color:black;'>\";\n let HTML4 = dsp;\n let HTML5 = \"</div>\"\n RL_html[j] = HTML1+HTML2+HTML3+HTML4+HTML5;\n}\n\nlet Table = [\n{\n\"Row\":1,\n\"Step\":Step,\n\"Text\":RL_html[1],\n},\n{\n\"Row\":2,\n\"Step\":Step,\n\"Text\":RL_html[2],\n},\n{\n\"Row\":3,\n\"Step\":Step,\n\"Text\":RL_html[3],\n},\n{\n\"Row\":4,\n\"Step\":Step,\n\"Text\":RL_html[4],\n},\n{\n\"Row\":5,\n\"Step\":Step,\n\"Text\":RL_html[5],\n},\n{\n\"Row\":6,\n\"Step\":Step,\n\"Text\":RL_html[6],\n},\n{\n\"Row\":7,\n\"Step\":Step,\n\"Text\":RL_html[7],\n},\n{\n\"Row\":8,\n\"Step\":Step,\n\"Text\":RL_html[8],\n},\n{\n\"Row\":9,\n\"Step\":Step,\n\"Text\":RL_html[9],\n},\n{\n\"Row\":10,\n\"Step\":Step,\n\"Text\":RL_html[10],\n},\n{\n\"Row\":11,\n\"Step\":Step,\n\"Text\":RL_html[11],\n},\n{\n\"Row\":12,\n\"Step\":Step,\n\"Text\":RL_html[12],\n},\n{\n\"Row\":13,\n\"Step\":Step,\n\"Text\":RL_html[13],\n},\n{\n\"Row\":14,\n\n\"Step\":Step,\n\"Text\":RL_html[14],\n},\n{\n\"Row\":15,\n\"Step\":Step,\n\"Text\":RL_html[15],\n}\n];\n\nmsg.payload=Table;\n\nnode.status({fill:\"blue\",shape:\"ring\",text:\"OK - \" + j});\nreturn msg;",
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