WASM Node-RED. Yeah, it’s a little cRazY, off the beaten path, and just plain nuts. But it does give birth to possibilities (if one’s creative enough to think out of the box).
What is it?
WASM (or WebAssembly), with a twist of virtualization, would allow one to launch an instance of Node-RED without a server. While “temporary” or for demo purposes; the environment lives solely within the web browser.
You may have seen your favorite retro game, or entire computer virtualized within the browser for fun. But this technology has matured to interpret other highlevel languages and entire programming frameworks to deliver (and fast) network applications that usually depend on a server stack to run.
They've done it with PHP, and WordPress; and now Automattic, (the mega corporation behind WordPress) has released a version of the technology for webdevs to instantly test drive plugins, that run over 30% of web, right inside your web browser... no need to setup a LAMP stack or mess with Nginx directives much less run their "5 minute install script".
If they can do it with PHP, surely NodeJS that has more kinship with the browser and WASM than PHP ever had could pull off something similar? Shims for networking using web sockets, etc. etc. I would guesstimate that Node-RED wouldn't be far off the menu.
Anyone want to give it a go?
Anyone remotely interested in the notion?
I can think of at least a half dozen applications for it just pondering the thought for a few minutes.