Hello the community,
I am actually facing a problem related to Nginx configuration.
Through the nginx.conf, we redirect all the http/https traffic from a specific server_name to the port 1880 where Node-RED is running on. We started Node-RED with pm2.
All static content is loaded correctly, I mean by that all the UI of Node-RED is working perfectly, but we have a popin with the following problem message :
Lost connection to server, reconnecting in 41s. Try now
And when we watch the browser console at the same time we have the following error :
red.min.js:16 WebSocket connection to 'wss://domain.ltd/comms' failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 404
It seems the Websocket connection via /comms does not work.
By the way, when you see domain.ltd, it's just a fake domain used to be able to post here publicly and not having policies issue with my client.
Following you can find the nginx.conf
server {
listen *:80;
listen *:443;
server_name domain.ltd;
access_log /usr/local/apps/deb/shared/log/nginx-access.log;
error_log /usr/local/apps/deb/shared/log/nginx-error.log debug;
location / {
# Forward headers
proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
# Increase timeouts
proxy_connect_timeout 3600;
proxy_send_timeout 3600;
proxy_read_timeout 3600;
# Forward to 1880
proxy_pass http://localhost:1880/;
# WebSocket support
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
error_page 500 502 503 504 /500.html;
client_max_body_size 10M;
send_timeout 3600;
keepalive_timeout 90;
I attach you also the debug log of nginx :
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: accept on, ready: 0
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: posix_memalign: 000055E92D359EE0:512 @16
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 accept: fd:20
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 event timer add: 20: 60000:1568709366606
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 reusable connection: 1
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 epoll add event: fd:20 op:1 ev:80002001
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http wait request handler
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 malloc: 000055E92D2F9830:1024
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 recv: eof:0, avail:1
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 recv: fd:20 1024 of 1024
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 reusable connection: 0
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 posix_memalign: 000055E92D29D5D0:4096 @16
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http process request line
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http request line: "GET /comms HTTP/1.1"
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http uri: "/comms"
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http args: ""
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http exten: ""
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 posix_memalign: 000055E92D2F2990:4096 @16
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http process request header line
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http header: "Host: domain.ltd"
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http header: "Pragma: no-cache"
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http header: "Cache-Control: no-cache"
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http header: "Origin: https://domain.ltd"
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http header: "Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13"
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http header: "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/74.0.3729.169 Safari/537.36"
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http header: "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br"
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http header: "Accept-Language: fr-FR,fr;q=0.9,en-US;q=0.8,en;q=0.7,nl;q=0.6"
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http alloc large header buffer
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 malloc: 000055E92D296D10:8192
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http large header alloc: 000055E92D296D10 8192
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http large header copy: 611
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 recv: eof:0, avail:1
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 recv: fd:20 5212 of 7581
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http header: "Cookie: ABTClient=true; __fs_dncs_trackingid_1d17b027-b6ae-450c-b053-6ab20900b67a=c95395f4-43dd-45f5-b328-c0b8467cf81e; __fs_dncs_exttrack=1; _ga=GA1.2.1505340498.1527154888; tc_sessionId=V120185241141280.714191348744845; dydu.survey.end.enabled=ImZhbHNlIg%3D%3D; _cs_c=1; AMCV_E5E3E271568FBFF27F000101%40AdobeOrg=MCMID%7C69828136300519096310643714575744630783; _hp2_id.3099737451=%7B%22userId%22%3A%221407938962533240%22%2C%22pageviewId%22%3A%227746834036086838%22%2C%22sessionId%22%3A%220910380388133271%22%2C%22identity%22%3Anull%2C%22trackerVersion%22%3A%224.0%22%7D; APP_already_connected_Production=particuliers%2Fhome-client; APP_follow_subscription_visited_Production=particuliers%2Fhome-client; tc_cnt_page=63; _evidon_consent_cookie={"consent_date":"2018-08-27T07:26:12.457Z"}; rxVisitor=15387480323109N4L253QDF155LBGKOLBJG1TF0US4SQK; ABTastyPluginModalOnExitIntent173649=viewed; APP_follow_subscription_visited_Testing/Qua=particuliers%2Fhome-client; _fbp=fb.1.1549270980503.445430010; DYDU_clientId=IkVJM3VnaVJHQlRNUjdOcyI%3D; _gcl_au=1.1.1875033673.1552906699; ABTastyPluginSimpleModal169060=viewed; dtLatC=11; dtPC=1$325708408_956h-vGPLGQOAODSJEGADGOSBPDNAOOAILJOML
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http header: "Sec-WebSocket-Key: Y+sn/1YOPSWN7U3XIFLkvQ=="
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http header: "Sec-WebSocket-Extensions: permessage-deflate; client_max_window_bits"
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http header: "X-Forwarded-For:"
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http header: "X-Forwarded-Host: domain.ltd"
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http header: "X-Forwarded-Server: domain.ltd"
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http header: "Connection: Keep-Alive"
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http header done
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 event timer del: 20: 1568709366606
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 generic phase: 0
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 rewrite phase: 1
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 test location: "/"
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 using configuration "/"
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http cl:-1 max:10485760
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 rewrite phase: 3
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 post rewrite phase: 4
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 generic phase: 5
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 generic phase: 6
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 generic phase: 7
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 generic phase: 8
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 access phase: 9
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 access phase: 10
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 access phase: 11
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 post access phase: 12
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 try files phase: 13
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http init upstream, client timer: 0
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 epoll add event: fd:20 op:3 ev:80002005
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 malloc: 000055E92D298D20:6354
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http script copy: "Host: "
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http script var: "domain.ltd"
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http script copy: "
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http script copy: "X-Real-IP: "
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http script var: ""
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http script copy: "
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http script copy: "X-Forwarded-For: "
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http script var: ","
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http script copy: "
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http script copy: "X-Forwarded-Proto: "
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http script var: "http"
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http script copy: "
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http script copy: ""
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http script copy: ""
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http script copy: "Connection: upgrade
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http script copy: ""
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http script copy: ""
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http script copy: ""
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http script copy: ""
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http proxy header: "Pragma: no-cache"
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http proxy header: "Cache-Control: no-cache"
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http proxy header: "Origin: https://domain.ltd"
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http proxy header: "Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13"
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http proxy header: "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/74.0.3729.169 Safari/537.36"
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http proxy header: "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br"
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http proxy header: "Accept-Language: fr-FR,fr;q=0.9,en-US;q=0.8,en;q=0.7,nl;q=0.6"
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http proxy header: "Cookie: ABTClient=true; __fs_dncs_trackingid_1d17b027-b6ae-450c-b053-6ab20900b67a=c95395f4-43dd-45f5-b328-c0b8467cf81e; __fs_dncs_exttrack=1; _ga=GA1.2.1505340498.1527154888; tc_sessionId=V120185241141280.714191348744845; dydu.survey.end.enabled=ImZhbHNlIg%3D%3D; _cs_c=1; AMCV_E5E3E271568FBFF27F000101%40AdobeOrg=MCMID%7C69828136300519096310643714575744630783; _hp2_id.3099737451=%7B%22userId%22%3A%221407938962533240%22%2C%22pageviewId%22%3A%227746834036086838%22%2C%22sessionId%22%3A%220910380388133271%22%2C%22identity%22%3Anull%2C%22trackerVersion%22%3A%224.0%22%7D; APP_already_connected_Production=particuliers%2Fhome-client; APP_follow_subscription_visited_Production=particuliers%2Fhome-client; tc_cnt_page=63; APP_already_connected_Testing/Qua=particuliers%2Fhome-client; _evidon_consent_cookie={"consent_date":"2018-08-27T07:26:12.457Z"}; rxVisitor=15387480323109N4L253QDF155LBGKOLBJG1TF0US4SQK; ABTastyPluginModalOnExitIntent173649=viewed; APP_follow_subscription_visited_Testing/Qua=particuliers%2Fhome-client; _fbp=fb.1.1549270980503.445430010; DYDU_clientId=IkVJM3VnaVJHQlRNUjdOcyI%3D; _gcl_au=1.1.1875033673.1552906699; ABTastyPluginSimpleModal169060=viewed; dtLatC=11; dtPC=1$325708408_956h-vGPLGQOAODSJEGADGOSBPDNAOOAILJOML
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http proxy header: "Sec-WebSocket-Key: Y+sn/1YOPSWN7U3XIFLkvQ=="
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http proxy header: "Sec-WebSocket-Extensions: permessage-deflate; client_max_window_bits"
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http proxy header: "X-Forwarded-Host: domain.ltd"
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http proxy header: "X-Forwarded-Server: domain.ltd"
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http proxy header:
"GET /comms HTTP/1.1
Host: domain.ltd
X-Forwarded-Proto: http
Connection: upgrade
Pragma: no-cache
Cache-Control: no-cache
Origin: https://domain.ltd
Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/74.0.3729.169 Safari/537.36
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
Accept-Language: fr-FR,fr;q=0.9,en-US;q=0.8,en;q=0.7,nl;q=0.6
Cookie: ABTClient=true; __fs_dncs_trackingid_1d17b027-b6ae-450c-b053-6ab20900b67a=c95395f4-43dd-45f5-b328-c0b8467cf81e; __fs_dncs_exttrack=1; _ga=GA1.2.1505340498.1527154888; tc_sessionId=V120185241141280.714191348744845; dydu.survey.end.enabled=ImZhbHNlIg%3D%3D; _cs_c=1; AMCV_E5E3E271568FBFF27F000101%40AdobeOrg=MCMID%7C69828136300519096310643714575744630783; _hp2_id.3099737451=%7B%22userId%22%3A%221407938962533240%22%2C%22pageviewId%22%3A%227746834036086838%22%2C%22sessionId%22%3A%220910380388133271%22%2C%22identity%22%3Anull%2C%22trackerVersion%22%3A%224.0%22%7D; APP_already_connected_Production=particuliers%2Fhome-client; APP_follow_subscription_visited_Production=particuliers%2Fhome-client; tc_cnt_page=63; APP_already_connected_Testing/Qua=particuliers%2Fhome-client; _evidon_consent_cookie={"consent_date":"2018-08-27T07:26:12.457Z"}; rxVisitor=15387480323109N4L253QDF155LBGKOLBJG1TF0US4SQK; ABTastyPluginModalOnExitIntent173649=viewed; APP_follow_subscription_visited_Testing/Qua=particuliers%2Fhome-client; _fbp=fb.1.1549270980503.445430010; DYDU_clientId=IkVJM3VnaVJHQlRNUjdOcyI%3D; _gcl_a
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http cleanup add: 000055E92D29E5B8
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 get rr peer, try: 2
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 get rr peer, current: 000055E92D2CCA90 -1
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 stream socket 21
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 epoll add connection: fd:21 ev:80002005
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 connect to, fd:21 #4365
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http upstream connect: -2
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 posix_memalign: 000055E92D317780:128 @16
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 event timer add: 21: 3600000:1568712906608
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http finalize request: -4, "/comms?" a:1, c:2
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http request count:2 blk:0
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http run request: "/comms?"
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http upstream check client, write event:1, "/comms"
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http upstream request: "/comms?"
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http upstream send request handler
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http upstream send request
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http upstream send request body
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 chain writer buf fl:1 s:6303
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 chain writer in: 000055E92D2F31E8
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 writev: 6303 of 6303
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 chain writer out: 0000000000000000
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 event timer del: 21: 1568712906608
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 event timer add: 21: 3600000:1568712906609
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http upstream request: "/comms?"
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http upstream process header
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 malloc: 000055E92D29A600:4096
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 recv: eof:0, avail:1
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 recv: fd:21 393 of 4096
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http proxy status 404 "404 Not Found"
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http proxy header: "X-Powered-By: Express"
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http proxy header: "Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'self'"
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http proxy header: "X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff"
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http proxy header: "Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8"
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http proxy header: "Content-Length: 144"
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http proxy header: "Date: Tue, 17 Sep 2019 08:35:06 GMT"
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http proxy header: "Connection: keep-alive"
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http proxy header done
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 xslt filter header
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Server: nginx/1.12.2
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 2019 08:35:06 GMT
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 144
Connection: keep-alive
X-Powered-By: Express
Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'self'
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 write new buf t:1 f:0 000055E92D2F3518, pos 000055E92D2F3518, size: 271 file: 0, size: 0
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http write filter: l:0 f:0 s:271
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http cacheable: 0
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http proxy filter init s:404 h:0 c:0 l:144
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http upstream process upstream
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 pipe read upstream: 0
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 pipe preread: 144
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 pipe buf free s:0 t:1 f:0 000055E92D29A600, pos 000055E92D29A6F9, size: 144 file: 0, size: 0
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 pipe length: 144
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 input buf #0
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 pipe write downstream: 1
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 pipe write downstream flush in
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http output filter "/comms?"
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http copy filter: "/comms?"
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 image filter
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 xslt filter body
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http postpone filter "/comms?" 000055E92D2F3748
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 write old buf t:1 f:0 000055E92D2F3518, pos 000055E92D2F3518, size: 271 file: 0, size: 0
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 write new buf t:1 f:0 000055E92D29A600, pos 000055E92D29A6F9, size: 144 file: 0, size: 0
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http write filter: l:0 f:0 s:415
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http copy filter: 0 "/comms?"
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 pipe write downstream done
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 event timer: 21, old: 1568712906609, new: 1568712906611
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http upstream exit: 0000000000000000
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 finalize http upstream request: 0
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 finalize http proxy request
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 free rr peer 2 0
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 close http upstream connection: 21
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 free: 000055E92D317780, unused: 48
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 event timer del: 21: 1568712906609
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 reusable connection: 0
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http upstream temp fd: -1
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http output filter "/comms?"
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http copy filter: "/comms?"
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 image filter
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 xslt filter body
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http postpone filter "/comms?" 00007FFF5E15D950
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 write old buf t:1 f:0 000055E92D2F3518, pos 000055E92D2F3518, size: 271 file: 0, size: 0
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 write old buf t:1 f:0 000055E92D29A600, pos 000055E92D29A6F9, size: 144 file: 0, size: 0
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 write new buf t:0 f:0 0000000000000000, pos 0000000000000000, size: 0 file: 0, size: 0
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http write filter: l:1 f:0 s:415
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http write filter limit 0
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 writev: 415 of 415
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http write filter 0000000000000000
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http copy filter: 0 "/comms?"
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http finalize request: 0, "/comms?" a:1, c:1
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 set http keepalive handler
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http close request
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 http log handler
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 free: 000055E92D29A600
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 free: 000055E92D298D20
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 free: 000055E92D29D5D0, unused: 0
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 free: 000055E92D2F2990, unused: 45
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 free: 000055E92D2F9830
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 hc free: 0000000000000000
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 hc busy: 000055E92D35A0B8 1
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 free: 000055E92D296D10
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 tcp_nodelay
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 reusable connection: 1
2019/09/17 10:35:06 [debug] 114327#0: *4364 event timer add: 20: 90000:1568709396611
Does anybody know this problem?
I saw there is a similar issue in the forum there :
They advised that it is a SSL issue related to a self-signed cert, but our certificate is issued by a certified corporation COMODO RSA Organization Validation Secure Server CA
Extras informations that may help you :
- Node RED v0.20.8
- node v9.11.2
- npm 5.6.0
- nginx 1.12.2
- pm2 3.0.4
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7.5 x86-64
Thanks in advance