What language for function node?

Sounds like a stupid question, but I'm new to all this. When trying to figure out how to write "code" within a function node, I look primarily for examples in Java & JS, yet 99% of these "cut and paste" codes throws a fit and doesn't work. Where can I find the rules/syntax for coding within a N-R function node? When searching for examples, what language should I be looking at?




To be more specific it is JavaScript running on node.js. Most general JS examples are talking about running in a browser so it is often best to add nodejs as part of any search.

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And to be even more specific, the docs for the function node are here: https://nodered.org/docs/user-guide/writing-functions


Thank you! I've suffered through many anomalies trying to write stuff that should be basically...simple. I've had better luck searching for node.js!


You might like to look at this javascript course which includes js with nodejs. It is free to use online. Learn enough javascript to be Dangerous.

Thanks Colin, I'll give it a look.


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