I'm trying to write an HTML site that will loop through images from a list of urls. Currently I have it set up that the file list (filenames.txt) is imported from my dropbox (I am running my instance on IBM so I don't have the file in node, this is my work-around). I then split the input into different messages, as on the node-red site (https://nodered.org/docs/writing-functions). I then feed this array of strings to my HTML with a loop refresh function that should refresh the page every 1000ms, each time going down the array of strings to display the next one down.
I have practised this with an array of numbers (msg.test), that works fine and easy. However, if I switch the input to the array with strings, it doesn't work. I think it is a matter of not defining my array of strings properly, because if I leave out the looping aspect and just try to display the entire array, I get [object Object].
How can I define that it is an array of strings? Or is it another issue and I'm just not seeing it?
Here is my flow:
[{"id":"671aa315.d9bbac","type":"http in","z":"93be8ca4.c31bb","name":"","url":"/rcg","method":"get","upload":false,"swaggerDoc":"","x":65,"y":1369,"wires":[["79f710f9.2b84d8"]]},{"id":"79f710f9.2b84d8","type":"dropbox","z":"93be8ca4.c31bb","dropbox":"","filename":"filenames.txt","name":"Filenames","x":288,"y":1428,"wires":[["6269fd0b.fdcac4"]]},{"id":"6269fd0b.fdcac4","type":"function","z":"93be8ca4.c31bb","name":"functions","func":"function array_range(start, len) \n {\n\t\tvar arr = new Array(len);\n\t\tfor (var i = 0; i < len; i++, start++) \n {\n\t\t\tarr[i] = start;\n\t\t}\n \t\treturn arr;\n}\n\nfunction shuffle(array) {\n var currentIndex = array.length, temporaryValue, randomIndex;\n\n // While there remain elements to shuffle...\n while (0 !== currentIndex) {\n\n // Pick a remaining element...\n randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * currentIndex);\n currentIndex -= 1;\n\n // And swap it with the current element.\n temporaryValue = array[currentIndex];\n array[currentIndex] = array[randomIndex];\n array[randomIndex] = temporaryValue;\n }\n\n return array;\n}\n\nvar outputMsgs = [];\nvar words = msg.payload.split(\";\");\nfor (var w in words) {\n outputMsgs.push({payload:words[w]});\n}\n\nlength = outputMsgs.length;\n\nvar test = array_range(0,length);\ntest = shuffle(test);\n\nmsg.test = test;\nmsg.text = outputMsgs;\n\nreturn msg;","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"x":467.5,"y":1344,"wires":[["cd74ce58.325cf","81c71059.3723f8"]]},{"id":"cd74ce58.325cf","type":"debug","z":"93be8ca4.c31bb","name":"","active":true,"tosidebar":true,"console":false,"tostatus":false,"complete":"true","x":647,"y":1452,"wires":[]},{"id":"81c71059.3723f8","type":"template","z":"93be8ca4.c31bb","name":"","field":"payload","fieldType":"msg","format":"html","syntax":"mustache","template":"<html>\n <head>\n <script>\n var refreshInterval = 1000;\n var i = 0;\n var input = new Array({{text}});\n \n function refresh()\n {\n setTimeout(\"refresh()\",refreshInterval);\n document.getElementById(\"loop\").innerHTML = input[i];\n i++\n }</script>\n </head>\n <body onload = 'refresh()'>\n <p id = \"loop\"></p>\n \n </body>\n</html>","output":"str","x":635.5,"y":1291,"wires":[["e9a7e662.b0a9e8"]]},{"id":"e9a7e662.b0a9e8","type":"http response","z":"93be8ca4.c31bb","name":"","statusCode":"","headers":{},"x":774.5,"y":1385,"wires":[]}]
Thanks for any help!