Yamaha Musiccast Node Collection

I haven't used the list node for net_radio, only Tidal and local DLNA. But net_radio is much simpler as it doesn't have a deep hierarchy. What I did in my house is use the Musiccast app to save each radio station to a preset. Then, I use the [input] node "recallPreset" command to select each one by number.

The [list] node is really complicated to set up for browsing media as all network services have a different standard for how they arrange files. It's just not straightforward so I avoid it if possible. But if you want to try it, there is a basic example workflow in the collection that demonstrates browsing for Tidal.

I don't have one of those speakers so it's not something I've able to test. I use WXA-50s across my house and they work fine but I believe the stand-alone speakers have a much simpler set of features. Remember that every API call is in the collection but that doesn't mean each one works for every device type. The only way to know is to try it. Please let me know how things work out for you!


Hi Vahdettin,
I just wanted to keep you up to date. I quickly managed to solve the problem with "presets". So now my folks can choose from 3 different stations. Works slow but properly.
Second part of the problem was to initiate a server client connection between this bathroom speaker and the stereo in the living room. I didn't make this work that and I resigned after one evening of fiddeling around. Maybe I will give it a try next year ;-).

The delay between button pressed and station changed is rather long. This lag seems to be a common problem...

Glad to hear it's "mostly" working out for you.

I don't recognize those buttons. I use Lutron Caseta Picos for on-wall controls but they are just as fast as a normal remote control and the response is near instantaneous.

It looks like "setSurroundDecoderType" (5.29, Page 66 in API rev 2.00, reference) is missing in your library....


Thanks. Are you needing that added? I'll have some time next week to look into it.

Would be nice to add

Thank you

Version 4.5.2 is available with that command.

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