3-phase power consumption measurement

Hi I just added 6 PZEM-004Tv3 onto 1 WT32 ETH01 running with ESP_Easy_mega_20221105_energy_ESP32_4M316k_ETH. I am measure all data and send to my mqtt. Further processing per nodered

I can also measure herz an cosPi
I do not know up to how many PZEM-004Tv3 i can connect, because i did not figure out ho many addresses i can give to the PZEM, the ESP32 can do 32.

The power supply is looped through all the modules because the heating system is only one phase and branches out from the central unit to the modules and I wanted to know in detail what the individual consumption of each module is.
For three-phase current or different phases, each module can of course get its own supply (requires) for measurement.
I am very satisfied with this solution. The shelly 1P and 1PM did not work reliably (something in the powerline reset the things, rebooted and shot them up), I needed an extrea AP to have sufficient reception there. Now everything is in a box of 10x10x8 cm wit TCPIP cabel and can also be installed in the control cabinet where I have no WLAN reception at all.

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