A bit quirky, but no icon for enter key in font-awesome or material-icons libraries?

A bit quirky, but no icon for enter key in font-awesome or material-icons libraries? Actually funny... there is backspace, space bar, etc., but no enter key symbol at all!?

Maybe suggest it to them ?

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Sounds like a plan! The question then is, can I get 'you' guys to update the icons embedded in NR?

Font awesome - no, material - maybe in dashboard

Though how about using fa-level-down fa-rotate-90

For now just using the long left arrow (i.e. fa-long-arrow-left) since it is close to a true return key symbol.

you could always use text ↲ (ref)

A text literal.... Geez, that is true. See what one gets when one has an iconic-ally stereo-typical bias? Still not a great match, since the vertical is a bit long, where a true enter has a long horizontal. My keyboard as a long horizontal and short vertical segments. I mean it is just odd to me, that you have all these text editing icons, but none for 'enter' proper.

its even better wrapped in <kbd>

<kbd>↲</kbd> → ↲

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Could you make use of a image file


Or even a svg...

<svg version="1.0" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
 width="205.000000pt" height="166.000000pt" viewBox="0 0 205.000000 166.000000"
 preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet">

<g transform="translate(0.000000,166.000000) scale(0.100000,-0.100000)"
fill="#000000" stroke="none">
<path d="M1811 1607 c-19 -7 -43 -23 -53 -38 -18 -23 -19 -47 -18 -371 0 -340
-4 -391 -33 -410 -17 -11 -1237 -10 -1237 1 0 5 63 69 140 141 154 146 173
176 151 243 -7 19 -20 42 -30 51 -23 20 -80 31 -118 22 -40 -10 -539 -509
-554 -553 -7 -24 -7 -42 0 -66 15 -44 524 -553 564 -562 85 -21 171 74 138
153 -7 17 -75 92 -152 168 -76 76 -139 142 -139 146 0 4 285 9 633 10 574 3
636 5 676 21 67 26 123 78 156 143 l30 59 3 370 c2 246 0 382 -7 407 -9 28
-21 41 -54 57 -49 24 -50 24 -96 8z"/>
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Ah... totally cool! Thanks for the example!

Dang I can't give multiple people credit? That is a bummer.

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