Looking for an ICON - material design or font awesome

In all the fun of rebuilding all my flows, I am looking for an icon which could be used to indicate a button for "Video Record".

A nice red R with a red circle around it would be ok/nice. But I am not having much luck finding anything that would work.

Maybe fa-play-circle fa-rotate-90 fa-2x is close enough
Also fa-dot-circle-o is very common for "record"

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Didn't think of that.

But why the fa-rotate 90? That makes the triangle point down. :wink: :confused:

That is from ages back when making an audio record the information was graved to the record matrix with needle.
Pointed down triangle represents the needle.

No problems.

I am (now) laboriously re-building my TV remote control.

Trying to get the layout and buttons looking nice.

(Just stuck now with the background image - see other post)

But I am moving ahead now.

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