Dashboard2/Vuetify/Icons How to use?

With Dashboard2, I'm trying to use buttons/icons based on Vuetify -- with moderate success.
For example, this works:

          <span style="margin-left:10px">          
            <v-icon style="cursor:pointer" 
              color="indigo-darken-4" @click="rSelect(3)">

But these examples don't work at all:

  <span style="margin-left:10px">
    <v-icon icon="fas fa-plus" />  <!-- This renders a FontAwesome icon -->
    <v-icon icon="mdi:mdi-minus" /> <!-- This renders a MDI icon -->

Unfortunately I can't find any further information specifically for the correct handling of NodeRed / Vueitfy to be able to use the different buttons and icons.
Is there a good manual for this? !

Help/links are very welcome

Dashboard does not have any resources baked in for font awesome icons.

This is just wrong syntax.

There are ways to bring in other icons than mdi . I think easiest will be to use svg.