How do I use it?
The font awesome (etc) I just call them by name and the magically work.
I've not done any custom icons before.
(sorry.) And - I'm guessing - SVG would be better than PNG
Maybe not. That costs $$ to download.
Are you saying I could do something like what I did with the: <script src=""></script>
but point it to the new site?
(Thought a bit more about it.)
Nah, because that new site is for DOWNLOADING more than remote access to their icons.
The code you posted works. And fair enough. You understand every part of it.
Down to the pixel level.
So I go to the link you posted above the code.
Only for the sake of learning I pick ANOTHER icon.
(And to be clear: I am not really sure WHICH one you picked/used anyway.)
Page 1, third row, third from the right.
That gives me this link openmoji:skull-and-crossbones
I put that in and it does NOT work.
Now: YOUR example is similar but different.
So the line I have in the text node is: <span class="iconify icon:fa6-openmoji:skull-and-crossbones"></span>
compared to <span class=\"iconify icon:fa6-solid:skull-crossbones\"></span>
I see the solid vs openmoji is the difference. But I am not seeing the mechanical difference as that icon was from the link you gave me.
So I am missing a crucial part of how things work.
I'm not trying to be difficult. I want to understand (clearly) HOW it works.
Yes, that is my problem but if I don't ask, I won't get to know.
(I'm good at digging but I'm not sure it is helping)
There is another bump in things going smooth for me.
The example you gave:
I can't translate that to anything compatible with the code I have in a function node.
First line.
let msg1 = { payload: '<font color = \"red\"><i class="fa fa-heartbeat fa-2x"></i></font>' };
if (msg.topic === "RESET")
// Detect what the ENABLE command is.
if (msg.payload === 'ACTIVATE')
// If it is "true" indicate it is enabled and set 'enable'
if (msg.payload === 'DEACTIVATE')
// Otherwise mark as disabled and reset 'enable'
return [null,msg1];
// Now act of message which is not the "ENABLE" command.
if (msg.topic != "ENABLE")
// Check if 'enable' is set to 1
if (context.get('enable') == 1)
// Pass message through
return msg;
let msg1 = { payload: '<font color = \"red\"><i class="fa fa-heartbeat fa-2x"></i></font>' };
Your line is:
(and given it is to be put in a text node) <span class="iconify icon:fa6-solid:skull-crossbones"></span>
To me they are two different structures.
Yes, my fault/problem.
But I am missing something - still.
Oh, the icon type.
I'm GUESSING a CRUCIAL part of the selection is:
You posted:
When REALLY it should have been:
then pick Font Awesome Solid
Then search for skull.
As is I was looking in the openmojiflavour - which had me going nowhere fast.
Anyway... Now I'm stuck on how to change the line so it works in the function node.