Add content to the left hand side of the top bar

hi @joepavitt thanks for continuously adding improvements to dashboard 2.0 .. i finally got a chance to closely have a look! this has a solid design for future expansion which is great !!
In regards to Teleport , is there a way to add content to the left hand side of the top bar instead of only to the right hand side? use case is an application logo ? is this planned ? , that is similar to "#app-bar-actions" ..
it would be really nice to have control over the page title, custom application logo and favicon of app or perhaps an option to hide the topbar altogether .. i have a use case where I control navigation from the page as a single page dashboard

thank you!!

@nileio I've moved this post to it's own specific topic.

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Happy to include - do you mean in place of the page title we currently have, but keeping the hamburger menu to open the sidebar?

Can you open a "Feature Request" here please: Issues · FlowFuse/node-red-dashboard · GitHub

Yes.. it would follow the same way as the #app-bar-actions , lets say we call it #app-bar-title and let the user control the content of that if desired. If Teleport is used then it simply takes precedence and is used instead of the default page title. Of course this would follow suit with the Scope being either Page or UI. This would mean that the user can include whichever they please as content which is typically would be a logo and app title.. however , this would hopefully mean we can use a variable for page title. Is there out of box constants which can be used in the template such as PAGETITLE, APPNAME,etc. ? sorry I may have not went that far into the docs..

In regards to the hamburger menu - I think it is a separate issue and would require some thoughts on how to allow user to control because it is related to navigation as a whole.. Ideally we can enable/disable the hamburger menu (which I believe automatically happens depending on the style option selected of the Sidebar but just choose a different icon if desired would be great.. thinking about navigation as a whole and looking at vuetify there are different options for navigation system which might be useful but I feel this is not a priority and might need a separate management from Node-RED altogether. I imagine having few options related to navigation actually such as changing the orientation of the navigation to make it top-bar instead of sidebar, or changing the location of the navigation to the right hand side of the screen ... which are all possible options with vuetify but I guess it is better that we think about navigation and hamburger menu options holistically on its own.. does that make sense ? happy to open feature requests - please let me know how you like me to proceed..

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