Hello, I am trying to use an external font for the ui_text object on the dashboard. I have researched and tried many options and have not found a working solution. This has led me to two thoughts.
Where can I find what fonts are available by default? Is there a font similar to "Seven Segment" truetype? I was hoping that I would have access to all installed windows fonts since I am on a Windows 10 machine but that doesn't appear to be the case.
I have attached my example with a ui_text object that displays a random number. I am then using a ui_template node to try to format the ui_text object. I have tried multiple fonts including .ttf and .woff/.woff2: DJB Get Digital, Seven Segment, DSEG7. I can use all of the fonts in other applications such as paint, but I can't seem to use it in node-red. I have also tried using "/" and "" for the url path.
Could someone help me? Thanks in advance.
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"format": "<style>\n\n @font-face {\n font-family: segment;\n src: url('C:\\Users\\jgreenmt\\Documents\\myfonts\\7 Segment.ttf') format('truetype');\n }\n \n .nr-dashboard-text .value {\n color: red !important;\n font-family: segment !important;\n }\n\n</style>",
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