(also) Stuck on “Loading Palette” Screen

Apparently... :upside_down_face:

So although I found the node-red-contrib-amqp reference in the .config.nodes.jsonfile:

    "node-red-contrib-amqp": {
        "name": "node-red-contrib-amqp",
        "version": "1.0.2",
        "local": true,
        "user": true,
        "nodes": {
            "amqp": {
                "name": "amqp",
                "local": true,
                "user": false,
                "module": "node-red-contrib-amqp",
                "file": "\\Users\\ItayKishon\\.node-red\\node_modules\\node-red-contrib-amqp\\lib\\amqp.js"

, the folder itself doesn't exist.

Removing the above reference from .config.nodes.json solved the issue, and the system has loaded. And may I add - with all my previous flows, as this was obviously not a completely fresh install...

Now everything is working again. I wonder - has the invalid node reference caused the loading problem?