[Announce] Dashboard version 2.10.0

Wow Julian,
Had the impression that you answered my question, before I had posted it ...

Have added (similar to your example) the extra binding in the raw html part:

function HTML(config) {
        var html = String.raw`<div ng-bind-html="msg.payload"></div>...`;
        return html;

However then my callback function (defined in the initController) is still NOT called.

Afterwards I have moved the entire callback function registration to the raw html:

function HTML(config) {
   var html = String.raw`<div ng-bind-html="msg.payload"></div>
                              ;(function(scope) {
                                 scope.$watch('msg.payload', function(newVal, oldVal) {
   return html;

However then the callback still isn't called.

PS. Everytime is say 'is not called' this means that it is only called after a page reset, but then the 'msg' is 'undefined'. When I inject an input message, it is not called...