i hope someone can use this. This node converts from one unit to another unit:
I've needed such a functionality for my smart plugs to convert units of energy. The conversation is done by the excellent library convert-units package.
Hi @korve,
Thanks for contributing!!
Just one question: is there any particular reason why you decided to create a new node, instead of using my node-red-contrib-unit-converter (which is based on the same converts-units library as yours)?
Hi Bart, tbh. i did briefly look at this plugin and only saw that it was updated 5 years ago and assumed its abandoned. Also there was no description on the nodered flow registry.
Ah yes that is very annoying. I always spend a lot of free time on the documentation for my readme pages, and for some reason some of them are completely empty on flows.nodered.org. And indeed if people don't have a look at the same page on Github or npm, then they assume there is no documentation at all...
Thanks for the clarification!